The Snacks That Your Little Ones Will Love This Quarantine

The little ones are not that little anymore and there is always a need to prepare snacks for them to eat throughout the day. Therefore, you need to know what to give them and, sometimes, this is not always an easy task.

Firstly, when we go to the supermarket, the easiest, quickest and even cheapest options are sweets such as chocolate bread, madeleines, biscuits and juices. If we look closely, even though they are economical and quick options, they are not the healthiest, because they are products full of sugar and other chemicals.

Finding the ideal snack for our little ones doesn't have to be very complicated or expensive. So, let's leave you with some very quick solutions to prepare, for the busiest parents, and also quite economical:

Dry fruits

Dried fruits, although they are a little more expensive in some supermarkets, are rich in fiber, antioxidants and healthy fats. As they are hard foods and pose a risk of suffocation, it is important to make sure that the child is able to chew the nuts well before swallowing.

Apple cut into cubes with cinnamon

The apple is a fruit that prevents many diseases and is also very satiating. Rich in fiber and minerals, it is an excellent option for younger children. As some children don't like fruit very much, try adding a little cinnamon to give it a different flavor and make it more appealing to the kids' eyes.

Red fruit smoothie

Red fruits are rich in antioxidants and, as they are sweet fruits, they tend to please children's taste buds. They prevent chronic diseases, flu and alleviate allergy symptoms. Just put a handful of red fruits, along with milk, vegetable drink or water, in a blender and put it in a bottle that is ready to put in your backpack.

Carrot sticks

Carrot sticks, or baby carrots, are a good snack that, as a rule, kids find funny. Several studies indicate that including this food in children's diets helps combat childhood obesity and also helps maintain their health.

Baked sweet potato chips

All kids love fries, don't they? Since sweet potatoes are healthier than white potatoes, you can choose to cut the sweet potatoes into slices, season with a little oregano, a pinch of salt and a drizzle of olive oil and bake. With the same consistency as traditional fries, kids have a healthy snack full of flavor.

Boiled eggs

They are a very easy and quick snack to prepare. Very satiating, they give little ones energy to carry out all their daily activities.

Banana with peanut butter

With a high energy value, it is also a good option for kids who exercise, as well as being excellent for preventing muscle pain and cramps. If you add peanut butter to the banana, the snack will be even richer, as it contains fiber, healthy fats and vitamins.

Natural yogurt

Yogurt is an ideal snack as it is a good source of calcium and protein. Most yogurts on the market that are aimed at children are full of sugar, so it is important to pay attention to the labels before buying them.


A fruit rich in fiber and sweet, which will take your mind off sweets for a few hours. Because it has a low glycemic index, it helps prevent diabetes and control weight, as well as improving intestinal transit. You can give them to your children raw or cooked, as both options are appetizing and filling.

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