The Power of Tea Tree on the Skin

Coming from a small Australian tree, tea tree has been used as a traditional medicine for many centuries, providing an alternative to conventional treatments and presenting countless benefits for the health of our skin.

Along with all its special characteristics, this is a natural product that stands out, essentially, for its healing properties, capable of treating some of the main symptoms that affect the health of our dermis, improving it in a transversal sense.


Tea tree essential oil has been used for decades, with many medical studies documenting its benefits when it comes to eliminating bacteria, viruses and fungi. Well known for its ability to treat wounds and inflammation, thanks to its natural anti-inflammatory properties, it is derived and steam distilled from the leaves of the Melaleuca plant.

It is an oil that, despite all its benefits, is not intended for internal use and can trigger toxic effects when ingested directly, even in small quantities.


Before trying to use tea tree oil on your skin, it is very important that you start by testing its effects. To do this, it is imperative that you mix a few drops with a carrier oil (coconut or almond oil). For every 1 to 2 drops of tea tree oil, add 12 drops of vegetable oil.

The next step is to apply this mixture to a small area of ​​your skin, so that you can safely analyze its effects and ensure that it will not cause any type of irritation (avoid applying it to the eye area). You can also choose to buy an all-natural acne treatment, which is based on tea tree oil.

This essential oil, when used in facial products, must be 100% natural. Prefer to purchase cosmetic products that contain natural ingredients in their composition.


Currently, tea tree oil is commonly found in the composition of multiple skin products, and is known for its calming and healing properties.


This oil is a popular choice for treating acne as it can calm redness, swelling and inflammation, helping to prevent and reduce scars.


The antiseptic properties of this oil can help combat oily skin. In this case, Healthline recommends mixing a few drops of tea tree with the toner or moisturizer we use daily.


It's not just our skin that stands to benefit from making use of this natural wonder – our hair can also benefit from it.

Tea tree can be a valuable aid in removing dead skin cells from the scalp, in order to promote hair growth.

Some studies also claim that this essential oil can help reduce dandruff.


Eczema can be a frustrating and persistent condition, resulting in severe rashes, irritation or painful blisters.

Tea tree contains antiseptic properties that can alleviate all these symptoms.

Mix a few drops with half a cup of coconut oil, gently applying the mixture to the affected areas of the skin. Do it twice a day.


Now you can purchase our tea tree essential oil, with natural purifying, antibacterial and antifungal properties. Enter this link and place your order.

This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical diagnosis, advice or treatment. No information contained in this article or otherwise provided on is intended to diagnose, treat or cure any patient or should be considered as medical advice or the practice of medicine.

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