The Power of Faith and Positive Thinking

Although empiricism reveals that what we are feeling may be real and not an illusion, it is interesting and pertinent to observe the confirmatory opinion of science. And especially in the last forty years, technology has provided countless scientific evidence on the most diverse topics.

One of the things that has received special attention has been the power of thought and faith, in terms of believing in something supposedly positive and greater than ourselves.

For this reason, many experiments focus on observing the human brain – with the help of imaging – while the individual thinks about something. With rare exceptions, most people keep their minds active, in the corresponding parts, just by thinking about a certain subject. Or rather, we don't need to be seeing, or experiencing, a certain situation for the brain to react to it. We can only think intensely and our mind assumes that “that”, or part of “that”, is happening.

Therefore, if the “base” of our Self’s main command is in the brain – the nervous system – and it thinks something is happening, whether we are just thinking or not, it sends messages to all our organs, in accordance with the situation. . These messages are sent throughout our organism mainly through neurons and hormones. Then, our body reacts. Many call this process somatization.

These observations helped to understand the strength, the power of thought, faith and belief. When we study the history of the different branches of psychology, sociology, anthropology and even archaeology, we realize the importance that thought has had in the evolution of man, both at a behavioral and technological level.

In fact, both religious and spiritual thought have given rise to beliefs that have contributed to the construction of our education at a general level. Sometimes in a positive way, other times in a negative (even destructive) way. There are those who say that we are so dependent on materialism and basic sensory evidence (such as vision, hearing, etc.) that we have disconnected from many other tools that are within us and that can help us live better.

These internal instruments, such as thought management, for example, have absolutely wonderful effects on our organism. It is no surprise that the internationally known neuroscientist António Damásio draws attention to the importance of emotions and the way we manage them through the way we think. Or, it is no coincidence that themes such as Mindfulness – with its combination of techniques, both meditative and cognitive, are increasingly experienced and implemented, not only at a medical level, but also at an organizational level, in companies.

There are many benefits when we open ourselves to a new way of thinking or thinking in a more positive way (since positivity is not always doing well, but rather accepting the vicissitudes of life – and of ourselves – in a more peaceful and not so dramatic).

It is similarly proven that those who believe in something “greater” than their own earthly self and who have religious (non-limiting) or spiritual beliefs not only heal faster from some illnesses, but also tolerate and overcome obstacles better. that life presents to you, as well as more periods of peace and tranquility.

Those who have faith in something that transcends them are able to surrender more easily, are able to let go of what has to go and accept, in a different way, a range of situations that, otherwise, become even more painful.

Towards believing

It is healthy, therefore, to believe. But it is important to emphasize that it is not good to have beliefs that become limiting, that end up causing us to have wrong thoughts, including about ourselves, others or life. This will create heaviness and inhibit the fluidity of our Self. The aim is for us to live more often than we survive.

So, especially if you are not a believer, if you have little faith and have some difficulty living in a more positive way, perhaps it is time to start, here and now, your inner journey towards BELIEVE.

Don't be afraid, do you know why? Because the topics below are for you to start, at the very least, believing in yourself more! Yes, start by realizing that within you there is a spark of a God or a Goddess (something that transcends us). Take a few seconds to think about this: do you need to think about how your liver is working? Do you need to give orders for your kidneys, heart and other organs to do their work? No, right? Do you know why? Because the intelligent life in us does this for our Self. Here are some phrases that can facilitate the reflection that you may need right now, in order to have more faith in yourself.

Have more faith in your inner “God”.

  • As human beings, children of Mother Nature, we are full of intelligent processes that help us live without having to think about it. Continuing with the basic reasoning mentioned above: you also don't need to tell your stomach to carry out the digestive process, nor to warn your body that it needs more adrenaline and cortisol to be able to run faster and catch the bus, nor to telling your white blood cells to recognize harmful invaders and defend your body from viruses and bacteria. May I help? Treat yourself well and have faith in your body's intelligence.

  • Listen to your heart. Do you remember that he already warned you about so many things? So it is. Everything around us is energy and has vibration. The heart, being the organ with the largest electromagnetic field in our body, feels other vibrations well. But it's not just about music or emotions. He feels the vibration of other people, objects and subjects well. So, generally speaking, it always gives you the right answer.

Accept the positive and negative in you.

  • Understand that the duality that lives in unity is wonderful: having, within oneself, good things and others that are less good, and that some of the “negative” things can serve for good. Moderate stubbornness can be the trigger for perseverance. Moderate yourself, measure the pros and cons calmly and move on.

Return to having faith in the human beings you love and who love you.

  • We have all had disappointments. However, we often become disillusioned because we create too many expectations about people or what they could, or can, offer us. Forget it. Understand that, for better or worse, we are all doing the same thing right now: the best we can with what we have, today, whether cognitively, emotionally, financially, etc. Lower your expectations and let it flow, because everyone has a life they have to pay attention to. Do not lose hope or faith, especially in “men and women of good will .” You're not alone.

Surrender to time and life.

  • There are situations that only the passage of time helps to resolve or lessen their intensity. I believe that you have had time to realize that time may not erase a certain “thing”, but that it ends up making it lighter. Surrender and trust. The Universe, life and — there it is — time, are wise.

Finally, if you would like to have another tool to help you work on the above, and understand how you can start replacing negative thoughts with positive ones, read this article, here, at Frederica: How to Replace Negative Thoughts with Positive ones .

Read, reflect, talk about all this with someone you like, but please, never stop believing in your abilities, not only as a person, but also as a wonderful human being who inhabits the most beautiful planet in our galaxy.

Vanda do Nascimento is a therapist, trainer and Mindfulness instructor at the Escola de Mindfulness Essencial , which she founded in 2016. She began her career as a teacher in 1997, obtaining a degree in Education. On that same date, he also began his studies in Reiki, Meditation and Mindfulness. Later, he embarked on the path of Psychology and delved even deeper into the topic of Mindfulness, in order to continue his fight to control stress and anxiety.

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