The Importance of Reading When We Are Anxious

The Importance of Reading When We Are Anxious

There are several ways to reduce stress . But there is one that, in addition to being good for your brain, also gives you knowledge and education: reading. You can neglect this activity, but it's important to put down your phone for a while and focus on something else that really does you good. Reading should be a pleasure and not an obligation and, therefore, if you prefer not to indulge in a good book, you can always opt for magazines or newspapers (buy ours, here. )

It has been proven that reading for six minutes reduces stress by 60%. Your heart rate slows, your muscles relax and your mood improves. These physical reactions make reading as beneficial as meditation.

Picking up a book can even reduce symptoms of depression and dementia, as it stimulates brain cells. Reading is, therefore, the most effective method to stimulate the mind and prevent it from suffering from any illness related to it.

Having reading habits turns out to be more effective than drinking tea, listening to music or practicing any activity that distracts your nervous system. Although it is difficult to put yourself in “pause” mode and enjoy the moment, it is also proven that reading helps you sleep better, which benefits your immune system.

And now the question: how does reading affect our brain? This activity develops the left temporal lobe, which allows for the development of language and memory.

The truth is that stress has a direct relationship with the body. The root of most diseases comes from this problem. Therefore, when we are in this state of mind, the body is more susceptible to diseases related to the heart, blood pressure and other psychological problems (such as depression).

Pick up a book, find a calm, comfortable environment and focus on what is written on the paper. It may be difficult to get started, but the benefits to your health speak louder. And if you think that none of the books you have in your possession are going to save you right now... don't worry. We thought of everything! Below, find five reading suggestions, available in our online store.

The Power of the Pussy | Everything You Want From Men

12 powerful secrets that will transform any woman into someone strong and attractive, who can effortlessly get what she wants from a man, including sex, love, respect and the type of relationship she is looking for.

Menstrual Pain Is Not Normal

Based on the most current scientific evidence, and using testimonies from doctors and specialists, the author brings together, in this book, all the information that I would like to have had access to, with useful and clear notions about what it is and what the symptoms are. of endometriosis, how and where to seek help and what treatments are available to combat the disease.

The Secrets of Aromatherapy

In this book, an essential guide to discover the secrets of aromatherapy, you will find a glossary of essential oils, their characteristics, their different application methods and their main therapeutic uses.

The Magic of Crystals

The Magic of Crystals is based on years of study by the author and her daily experience working with crystals, establishing a holistic approach to healing and the recognition of the deep connection between mind, body and spirit.

Awaken to Mindfulness

The speed at which we live nowadays means that, often, without us realizing it, our well-being gets lost along the way. Therefore, to make it easier for us to rescue our Self, there are more and more tools that help us in this process. Mindfulness is one of the most powerful.

The Modern Guide to Crystal Healing

Cristais is a modern guide that will make all the difference in your life. Whether you are a fan of crystals, or simply curious, this practical guide provides you with knowledge and tools to improve your daily life through these stones.

It's Not Just Blood

In this work, Patrícia Lemos, an educator for menstrual health and fertility, helps us understand our menstrual cycle and look at it as an indicator of health, always — and not just when thinking about having babies.

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