The Importance of Mental Health

Science has been proving the importance of the mind. It is responsible for the balance of our nervous system which, consequently, coordinates the functions of many of our organs. However, something is working less well in our country — and perhaps in the world.

Of the 34 countries that participated in an epidemiological study integrated into the World Mental Health Survey Initiative , from the WHO and Harvard University, Portugal had the 4th highest annual prevalence rate of psychiatric disorders in adults, having ranked first in anxiety disorders, of depression, impulsivity and alcoholism.

Portugal is also one of the countries whose population consumes the most antidepressants and anxiolytics. So, something is not right. The question is: is the harm in the doctors and/or professionals in the field or in the patients?

Apparently, the evil does not belong to anyone in particular, but to everyone. Or rather, we haven't been getting the right education (both doctors and patients) to correct this problem. Our Western society specializes in mechanistic theory where medication is often overvalued. This means that medication is obviously important, but the rest has to be done by us, and no one taught us that.

For example: it is clear that sleeping well is essential, as is having a balanced diet and exercising. This is the basis. And it is indispensable. But it is important to know how to manage thoughts, emotions and/or feelings and a whole range of mental processes that, without persistence, do not become cemented in our organism.

However, this management has to be done differently from what we have learned. Therefore, it is urgent to relearn – or learn for the first time. Today, you already have many practices at your disposal that help to change old philosophies of life and balance the nervous system. You may even know some of them and know how to explain how they work, but, honestly, if you do nothing, only your conscious mind knows (knowledge) but your body/organism does not (wisdom). When the body doesn't perform, it's the same as not knowing. By not changing thoughts, both physical and mental (and organic) behaviors remain the same, and new results are not obtained.

Step out of your obsolete comfort zone and go in search of health. Without a doubt, the practice of Mindfulness helps a lot, but you can always opt for another more mystical practice like Reiki , for example, which is not only a good practice but also has a very beautiful and effective philosophy of life.

Don't waste any more time. Hold on to life. And life begins in consciousness, in your mind. Start with small changes. Everything else will come later. And it will be very good.

Vanda do Nascimento is a therapist, trainer and Mindfulness instructor at the Escola de Mindfulness Essencial , which she founded in 2016. She began her career as a teacher in 1997, obtaining a degree in Education. On that same date, he also began his studies in Reiki, Meditation and Mindfulness. Later, he embarked on the path of Psychology and delved even deeper into the topic of Mindfulness, in order to continue his fight to control stress and anxiety.

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