Teff: Hollywood's New Quinoa

Teff: a Nova Quinoa de Hollywood

Do you think quinoa is the best option in the world of “super seeds”? Think again. The seed we are talking about today may not be as well-known as others that are gluten-free, but it rivals the most popular varieties in terms of flavor, texture and all the benefits it represents for our health. Used by big names in Hollywood, such as Gwyneth Paltrow and Victoria Beckham, teff is a superfood in the truest sense of the word, as in addition to providing a vast set of nutrients to our body, it is also closely associated with improved blood circulation and bone health. But its benefits don’t stop there.

The origin of Teff

Traditionally Used as a base ingredient in Ethiopian cuisine, this cereal grain is currently cultivated in Europe and has a flavor similar to that of some fruits dried, representing a great resource for gluten-free baked goods.

What makes it so special?

As one of the most nutritious alternative grains in the world, offering calcium, fiber, protein and antioxidants, teff is a great source of energy, protecting bone health and providing lasting satiety. This last advantage has gained prominence, as it can help with weight loss. It can be purchased in all formats and can also be cooked in the same way as quinoa.

This small grain (the smallest in the world) has achieved enormous popularity, essentially due to the fact that it is a gluten-free option, and is known for naturally balancing our hormonal levels and our immunity, also stimulating digestion.

Being very small – measuring less than a millimeter in diameter – in nutritional terms, the teff seed is enormous, as it is a food rich in fiber and a true source of protein, iron and calcium. The variety of vitamins and minerals it offers contributes to its role as a healthy food that stands out from the rest.

Teff in the matter of weight loss

The teff seed has a considerable amount of copper, which allows the body to create the fuel necessary to increase our energy levels and, consequently, be able to burn more fat. The fiber content of this food is also another factor that contributes to its role as a food that can help us lose weight quickly.

Being a more complete protein than quinoa itself and being full of amino acids, teff is great for anyone who wants to keep calories low while keeping proteins “high”.

The presence of fiber, combined with protein, creates a key element in terms of the possibility of weight loss. This is because conditions are created for greater appetite control.

How to use it in the kitchen?

Teff works great to thicken and add more nutrition to soups, but we can also enjoy its flavor as a cereal or use it in homemade bread dough (it is a great substitute for traditional flours in cakes, pancakes and other preparations). , to give it an additional nutritional touch. Its cooking method is simple and quick, despite its density.

Until the moment of consumption, it must be stored in a safe place. cool, dry and dark, in a closed container.

Other reasons to consume Teff

Protects the immune system .

The fact that it is a very rich source of B vitamins and essential minerals makes teff an ingredient capable of stimulating our immune system. Thanks to the presence of thiamine, which is deeply involved in regulating our immune response, teff allows the body to extract nutrients from food much more easily. These same nutrients are then used to boost immunity and defend the body from disease.

It provides us with energy.

Most grains contain protein, but usually not in adequate amounts to be sufficient for a healthy diet. Although teff is not a complete source in this sense, its amino acids are great for supporting our energy levels. Its carbohydrates are slowly broken down into glucose, for constant assimilation in cells. And when compared to refined grains, the truth is that teff has a greater possibility of helping to provide unhindered energy.

Because it is a much smaller grain compared to rice and wheat, it typically cooks faster, something that makes it energy efficient. Still, as it is quicker to cook, it is important to watch its preparation with some care and attention.

Regularizes the functioning of digestion .

Include more grains rich in fiber (as is the case with this specific grain) in your diet is a great way to ensure greater regularity in your bowel movements. It is Regularity is important to remove toxic waste from the body. Furthermore, fiber also increases satiety. Result: fewer snacks between meals!

And because we like to save the best for last, we now give you something new: you can find the only teff supplement, together with other ingredients, in Frederica's online store. This is specially designed to reduce appetite and facilitate weight loss. You can now purchase it here.

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