Strengthen Your Immune System With Vitamin C

It helps with collagen production, wound healing and, most importantly, strengthens our immune system. Vitamin C does all this, being a powerful antioxidant when it comes to protecting our cells from damage caused by free radicals.

Even though it is recommended to consume foods with vitamin C, many people resort to supplements that integrate it into their composition to meet your needs.

As it is an essential vitamin – your body cannot produce it on its own – vitamin C plays numerous roles and is associated with several benefits for our health. We find it, above all, in various fruits and vegetables, including oranges, strawberries, kiwis , cabbage and spinach.

Source of immunity

It has been proven scientifically that taking supplements that have vitamin C in their genesis increases the strength of our immune system by helping white blood cells (which protect the body from infections) to function more effectively and strengthening the skin's defense system.

But does this mean that if we eat more oranges we will absorb a greater amount of vitamin C in our body? It is very possible that this is the case, since the orange is rich in this nutrient.

Our body uses amounts of vitamin C that it needs, not being able to store it. So, we must try to ingest it every day, so that we get the amount we need to stay healthy. And the best way to achieve this is by consuming foods rich in this component. Citrus fruits, such as oranges, lemons, limes and grapefruits, are great sources of vitamin C. But you can also find it in fresh vegetables such as tomatoes and green leafy vegetables.

You can also take natural supplements of this vitamin, which are usually made from fruits citrus. These supplements are usually available in tablets or in capsules.

As consume vitamin C correctly?

It is very important that cook the vegetables in the soup, so you get the vitamin C in the broth. By the fact Since it is soluble in water, you may lose it when boiling food.

Combine this vitamin with other nutrients to get the most benefits from each of them.

Get our Vitamin C supplement .

If you want to make taking this vitamin easier, in our online store Find a vitamin C supplement, specially designed to strengthen the immune system and eliminate signs of fatigue. Purchase it at the link below.

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