Start Your New Year's Detox in Five Steps

Inicie o Seu Detox de Ano Novo em Cinco Passos

January is the best time to help our body recover from the excesses committed over the last year. And it's also a good time to think about simple ways to remove environmental toxins from our body.

There are several ways to detox, but in all of them the objective must be the same: self-care. Get inspired and set aside extra time to read, take a bubble bath, do a face mask, or meditate. What matters is that you find time just for yourself and stay in tune with your body, mind and spirit, without forgetting your home! Shall we start our New Year detox ?

1. Lemon water

Thanks to their high vitamin and antioxidant content, lemons are an excellent detoxifying food to incorporate into your daily routine. Therefore, squeezing the juice of half a fresh lemon into a glass of warm water can be a great way to start your day. This detox drink, when consumed first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, can help make a big difference to your well-being, waking up your body and helping you feel refreshed again.

2. Turmeric

Adding a touch of turmeric to your daily diet will go a long way toward reducing feelings of bloating, which can be caused by eating inflammatory foods, drinking too much alcohol and caffeine, and not getting enough sleep. All of these factors inhibit your body's ability to do its job properly, including detoxifying the endless amounts of environmental toxins it needs to process daily.
Incorporate this spice into your diet and discover all the wonders it will do for your body.

3. Sumos Frederica

In addition to getting the recommended amount of sleep and cutting back on gluten and sugar, how about making an effort to drink more homemade juices and smoothies ? We have a wonderful set of purifying breakfast juices, rich in natural antioxidants, available in our online store, through this link .
Make this a new phase in your life and change the way you have breakfast. This plan consists of five delicious juices, one for each day, ideal for starting the week nutritiously and with lots of energy.

4. 0% sugar

If you want to feel more energetic, it's important that you do a complete sugar detox. To embark on a new diet, after all the end-of-year festivities – yes, we know you weren't able to resist your aunt's French toast and your mother's donuts – it is crucial that, little by little, you begin to put aside sweets, as your body is possibly desperate for some relief from this insulin rollercoaster.
Avoid sugar, processed carbohydrates and fruits with a high glycemic index for two or three weeks.
To make the process easier, you can choose to replace highly processed sugars with more natural and less processed alternatives.

5. Natural bath

The best excuse to take a long, hot shower is to declare that it is for the good of your health. After all the chaos of the festive season, making a salt bath a beauty ritual can be miraculous. Try using Epsom salts, as they are rich in magnesium, something that helps with the body's detoxification process. Additionally, adding a few drops of essential oils to your bath can similarly induce a state of ethereal relaxation. This is the path to inner peace!

Also check the products you apply to your body, as a true detox also involves making small adjustments to your daily skincare regimen. Replace your commercial deodorant – which contains several harmful ingredients – with a product based on mineral salts or hume stone, a mineral composed of potassium alum, commonly used to eliminate perspiration odor naturally.

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