More Peaceful Sleep With the Art of Feng Shui

If you've gotten into a rhythm of healthier sleeping habits but are still having trouble falling asleep, perhaps your decorating skills could be to blame. Applying the commandments that the Chinese art of Feng Shui teaches us may be the next step.

About Feng Shui :

Feng Shui is an ancient practice that seeks to balance the energy of spaces to ensure health and well-being for those who live there.

It is an ancient Chinese methodology that aims to find the natural flow of energy to infuse positivity at home, in the office or in any other space where we intend to spend time.

Continue reading to learn about some basic principles of Feng Shui , to let your vital energy flow in a more positive direction and sleep better.

Pay attention to the arrangement of furniture.

According to this knowledge, your bed should be in the so-called “command position”. Make sure your headboard is supported in a sturdy way, as this is crucial to providing you with greater security and, consequently, allowing you to sleep better and more protected.

The furniture must be placed symmetrically, representing balance. It is important to have a bedside table on each side of the bed, to allow for this harmony. Creating space on both sides creates an energetic balance.

Place mirrors in locations that are not directly facing your bed. Having a mirror facing you while you sleep can drain your energy, preventing you from enjoying restful sleep.

Clean and organize.

Clear the entire area under your bed. This may seem very convenient for storing everything you can't store elsewhere, but all these objects are preventing energy from flowing naturally.

Throw away – or offer – everything you don’t need. Free up spaces and keep only the essentials. Too much “trash” does not help to promote peace (a state of mind that you need to achieve in order to fall asleep). Clear the chaos so energy flows harmoniously while you sleep.

Let the air flow.

Letting some fresh, pure air circulate in your room is very important. Furthermore, letting in natural light is also essential. Try to let some sunlight into your room every day.

Opt for soft colors.

Feng Shui tells us that our personal energy is derived from one of the five elements: wood, fire, earth, metal or water. Depending on your element, there are certain colors that are best suited to enhancing your unique personal energy, while there are others that can make it more fragile.

Try to incorporate at least a few earthy or cream-colored elements, which create a warm, nurturing energy.

Very active colors, such as pink or red, can leave you feeling too energetic. On the other hand, some experts claim that when our ganglion cells (receptors in the retina of our eyes) detect the color blue, our heart rate decreases, something that helps the body prepare for sleep.

Nature and essential oils, a perfect complement.

When the goal is to dive into the Land of Dreams, you need to be calm. And everything that has to do with Nature can be synonymous with that.

Surrounding yourself with crystals or some plants close to you can give you a more serene energy. And although not all experts support the idea that having plants in the bedroom is safe, their green tone is equally responsible for calming our mind and spirit.

For all this to be perfect, all that remains is to complete this picture with calming aromas. Smell has the ability to completely change the energy of a room (think of the fresh smell of your sheets and the effect it has on you when you go to bed).

Get our aromatic essential oil diffuser through this link and transform your room into a healthier place to dream.

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