How to Avoid Sunspots

Having radiant skin, from the inside out, is a sacred goal. If we want to take our dermis to the next level – abandoning the ordinary and finding the extraordinary – it is important to consider that it is not enough to just know how to choose the products we use, we must recognize the best way to do it. Our genetics, eternal love of the Sun and aging are the factors that most neglect the possibility of uniformly harmonious and nourished skin. It is precisely for this reason that we must focus, as much as possible, on preventing and alleviating problems related to pigmentation.


The claim to beauty happens when pigmentation is properly contoured. For many of us, skin spots tend to increase with age and appear when we carelessly apply sun protection, which occurs throughout the year. It is precisely here that we come across rule number 1 in preventing and treating blemishes: use high daily sun protection (SPF 50). It is extremely important to understand whether we are going through hormonal processes, as these make our skin much more reactive and, therefore, more likely to create blemishes in the most feared areas.


Thus, knowing and observing our skin is the primary commandment submitted here, if the main purpose and purpose is homogeneity. The spots cause us discomfort and affect our self-esteem considerably, even affecting our social life and our interpersonal relationships, precisely because of the lack of self-confidence they trigger. Therefore, it is important to take precautions and prevent the appearance of these irregularities. With some time and patience, using the right strategy, we can put this reality to rest, mitigating these areas and, with any luck, eliminating them.


The tone of our skin is dependent on the melanin it contains, as well as hemoglobin. Lighter skins are those that require greater care and concern regarding contact with the sun's rays, responsible for localized blemishes. After sun protection, there is another crucial step: using cosmetic products that contain anti-spot active ingredients, such as retinoids (alpha-arbutin, kojic acid, azelaic acid or vitamin C). If you prefer a deeper treatment, lasers , which are a little more aggressive, and peelings , can prove to be a valuable and relevant solution, permanently eliminating unwanted spots. Through the latter, we will be able to obtain notable results in a short space of time.


Foods based on psoralen (a component that can cause dark spots when exposed to the sun), such as parsley, coriander and figs, are what we should avoid on a day at the beach. Food plays an important role here, with a daily intake of fresh fruit and vegetables being essential, as they are rich in calcium and vitamins A, B, C and E, elements that neutralize the harmful effect of free radicals on our skin. .

Considering all this advice, there is also a homemade and traditional way to reduce pigmentation: applying lemon or raw potato slices directly to the stain, complementing the process with adequate hydration and strict sun protection.

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