Six Popular Superstitions That Promise to Bring Good Luck

They may not make sense and have strange or unexpected origins, but the truth is that, even today, many of them remain. Superstitions are linked to beliefs in supernatural forces and the desire to influence unpredictable factors and resolve uncertainties. The broken mirror, the black cat, the number 13 — all of these elements are part of a set of things that, if we are superstitious, we will avoid. But what is the rational reason behind this?

Psychologists have found that superstitions stem from the assumption that there is a connection between co-occurring and unrelated events. Many people cross their fingers or pick up pennies because they believe they will attract good luck. We tell you about five gestures that superstitious people do not neglect.

Make a wish when blowing out the birthday candles

What do candles on a cake have to do with good luck? The tradition of putting candles on cakes began with the ancient Greeks, who baked cakes when they wanted to make a wish to the Moon goddess. Many people believed that the smoke remaining above the candle carried wishes to God as it rose into the air.

The modern tradition of making a wish and trying to blow out all the candles on a birthday cake at once is part of these superstitions. If you can do this, your wish could come true and you will have good luck in the coming year.

Cross fingers

It's not clear where the idea of ​​crossing your fingers for good luck comes from, but there are two plausible theories. One of the explanations comes from the belief that, by simulating a cross with crossed fingers, one is invoking good spirits to help make a wish come true.

Another theory tells us that, when one person expressed an intention, the other placed a finger on theirs to support them, making the wish come true more likely, forming a cross.

People also cross their fingers when they are lying, perhaps hoping that they will be lucky not to get caught in the lie.

Light a candle or burn sage in a new home

The tradition of burning sage has been adopted by many as a way to cleanse the home of negativity before starting over. Just add white sage to other fragrant herbs, such as lavender, and let it burn like incense. Lighting a beautiful candle on your first night in a new home also works for this purpose.

Spilling water after someone

According to stories from Serbia, pouring water behind someone is a great way to wish them good luck. As moving water is fluid and smooth, it bestows good luck on the person being wetted.

Take a bath in coarse salt to ward off the evil eye

Coarse salt, a symbol of purity, does not rot. This is one of the reasons why it is believed that it has the ability to cleanse our aura. In the Middle East, when two people do business, they eat rock salt together; In Africa, a glass of water is usually left next to another glass of rock salt to purify a new home.

It has already been proven that the magnetic field created by salt neutralizes some negative magnetic waves. This is why many people believe that by taking a bath with coarse salt they will be renewing all their energy, bringing a feeling of greater lightness by eliminating negative charges that are present in their magnetic field.

Plant a tree to celebrate the wedding

In the Netherlands and Switzerland, some newlyweds plant a pine tree outside their home to bring good luck and fertility to their marriage. Other couples incorporate trees into their wedding ceremony, believing that trees will bring good luck and bless their union.

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