Seven Practices for Experiencing Childbirth as a Spiritual Journey

Pregnancy can be seen as an intuitive process and a sacred spiritual journey to welcome a new being into the world. Culturally, we are programmed to be afraid of childbirth and everything it awakens in us — but what if fear is the main driver of pain?

Reconnecting with your wisdom and intuition can be the key to viewing the birth of a child as a normal, natural and sacred part of life, even when medical interventions are imperative for the safety of the mother and/or baby.

Regardless of the location or circumstances, it is essential to ensure that we transform this moment into one of the most special in our lives. We leave you with seven practices recommended by Mindbodygreen to help you experience motherhood as a spiritual journey.

Connect with your Higher Self .

Birth is a mystery and it is an event bigger than us. Therefore, it is important that you spend time meditating, praying, doing yoga , laughing and being in contact with Nature. Do whatever brings you joy and can help you connect to your Higher Self. Being present with body and soul in everyday activities transforms the experience of pregnancy into a more complete and rewarding practice.

Heal your Heart Chakra .

Heart Chakra healing helps open the heart to unconditional love, compassion and self-love. Nurturing love for yourself is important at this time, as feelings of hatred can often arise towards certain bodily changes that arise with pregnancy. These feelings can lead to depression in the future. Practicing Heart Chakra healing during pregnancy helps expand your awareness of love for yourself and your baby.

Talk about what you feel .

Pregnant women need to talk about motherhood and how they are feeling. Finding people to do this will give you the support and resources you need to have an easier experience of pregnancy, birth and motherhood. This is a great way to ward off Baby Blues (mood changes related to hormonal rebalancing that occur after childbirth).

Nurture your connection with your baby .

Take time to cultivate a loving, joy-filled relationship with your child in the womb. Talk, sing, read, listen to music. Close your eyes and breathe deeply, focusing your attention on your belly. Feel the inhalation around your baby and feel the exhalation softening your baby's body. Even if you're having a rough day, taking a few deep breaths can make all the difference.

Leave past traumas behind .

During childbirth, the woman is in an extremely receptive state. Traumas that have not been treated in a healthy way can surface and interfere with the birth process. Therapies such as Transformational Mentoring can be extremely useful tools for clearing trauma and removing fears and blocks, making this entire process lighter.

Take a break from online .

Every time we turn on a device, we are exposed to many frequencies that do nothing to help us live better. Have you ever wondered how many hours of your life you have wasted looking at television, cell phone and computer screens? You would be surprised if you realized how much wasted time you have spent in the virtual world. Choosing to disconnect from social media will allow you to have more free time to focus on what really matters, making you more selective with the information and energy you bring to your pregnancy.

Know your body .

Get a perineal massage to help stretch your vaginal muscles and birth canal. Explore your pelvis and try to discover which positions or postures help you relax. Feeling comfortable in your body will make your birth experience easier. Continue to take care of yourself: get enough sleep, eat properly, take appropriate supplements, exercise, etc. Childbirth is one of the most physically demanding experiences for most women and, as such, your well-being must be your priority.

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