See your doctor – the heat has already started and with it the heavy legs

We are taking big steps towards summer. And as much as we all love hot weather, the truth is that it can have unpleasant effects on our legs. If on days when thermometers have risen significantly you have felt pain in your legs or have had that feeling of heavy, swollen legs, you know what we are talking about.

The fact that summer days are longer means we want to enjoy them until the last minute, which often means more tired legs at the end of the day. Alongside this, vasodilation often occurs (a process in which the size of blood vessels increases in response to certain environmental stimuli, such as high temperatures in summer).

This vasodilation comes from our body's high capacity to adapt to its surroundings, allowing us to maintain a favorable regulation of our internal temperature. However, sometimes this vasodilation ends up representing a problem for people with venous insufficiency.

Varicose veins, which in turn are also a sign of chronic venous disease , tend to worsen during the summer months as the heat dilates the veins, expanding them and causing increased pain or sensitivity. As the veins distend and fill, they become heavy. Result: heavy and tired legs, subject to greater sensitivity and even cramps. This self-awareness about clearer veins can lead to embarrassment in social situations and, consequently, a strong impact on quality of life.

For all these reasons, there is nothing better than paying attention to the effect that the heat of the hottest months can have on your body, trying to keep your legs healthy by following some simple gestures :

  • Walking, cycling, swimming or practicing yoga, as your legs need daily movement and this will also improve circulation;
  • Stay hydrated by drinking lots of water;
  • Raise your legs whenever possible;
  • Wear compression socks;
  • Wear loose clothing and comfortable shoes, especially when standing for long periods (something you should avoid);
  • Avoid direct and strong sources of heat;
  • Give your legs a cold bath to tone the blood vessels;
  • Massage your legs, making upward movements to promote better circulation;
  • Use sunscreen while enjoying the sun and every moment at the beach – without pain or feeling of heavy legs;
    Remember that, even if your body does not show any symptoms regarding venous disease, it is very important to prevent problems, so that you can enjoy the hot season as much as possible.

For more in-depth information on this topic, consult the website and give your legs the importance they deserve – always.

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