Say “Goodbye” to Tired Legs

Why do our legs feel so tired at certain times? In fact, this is a very common symptom and may be based on several underlying factors. The reality is that women are more prone to this condition, especially if they are overweight. People who spend long periods sitting or standing also suffer from this problem, which can be accompanied by a feeling of heavy legs and swollen legs.

Even though it may seem like this problem doesn't warrant concern, it's important to pay attention to our legs' complaints when fatigue occurs. Our legs can feel fatigued when the blood does not circulate properly, something that can be alleviated by wearing less tight clothing and appropriate footwear that is neither too high nor too low.

To overcome this condition of discomfort, the unique formula of the Cedraflon invigorating gel-cream proves to be a powerful aid in relieving the sensation of tired legs, as it contains Corsican cider extract and also menthol, ingredients that soften and immediately refresh our skin. skin, relieving fatigue from our legs, leaving the skin hydrated. This time, all we need to do is place just one Cedraflon nut in the palm of our hand and gently massage in long, upward movements, from the ankle to mid-thigh. This process can be repeated up to four times a day, whenever we need a boost. immediate relief.

Remember to avoid exposing your legs to the Sun for a long time, as well as avoiding smoking and eating foods that promote venous congestion (such as coffee and tea). Cool your legs with cold water whenever possible and keep them elevated whenever circumstances allow, especially while sleeping.

The ideal would always be to be able to combine relief and hydration in the same application. And that is precisely why Cedraflon is one of the best options on the market.

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