Salty Chocolate and Hazelnut Tart

Passionate about healthy eating and sustainability, Alexandra Martins makes her Instagram page a space for sharing colorful, delicious and healthy recipes. Food photographer and digital content creator, she is also vegan , which is why she shows us that meals with 0% ingredients of animal origin can be as delicious as more conventional dishes. This dessert, designed by you, is proof of that.


For the cream:

1 package of silken tofu (290g);

1/2 cup (75g) dark chocolate chips;

65g of sugar-free soy vegetable drink;

1/2 cup (120g) hazelnut butter;

1 pinch of fleur de sel.

For the base:

1/2 cup (50g) of whole oat flakes;

9 medjool dates (155g);

2 tablespoons of raw cocoa powder;

1 cup (100g) hazelnut flour;

5 tablespoons (75g) hazelnut butter.

Preparation method:

Start by making the base, placing all the ingredients in a food processor and blending until you obtain a paste that is easy to mold;

Take a small mold with a removable bottom (+/- 18cm), place the base mixture inside and press well with your hands until it covers the base and sides of the mold;

Use the back of a tablespoon to flatten and press as much as possible. Place in the refrigerator;

Meanwhile, melt the chocolate chips in a bain-marie, together with the vegetable drink. When it is melted, place it in the food processor, along with all the other cream ingredients and blend until you get a super creamy result;

Pour the cream over the previously made base and place it back in the fridge for at least 4 hours, so that it becomes firm. When serving, simply sift raw cocoa over the top, decorate with extra hazelnuts, chocolate chips, hazelnut butter and salt pebbles.

Follow Alexandra on social media:
Instagram : @thingsaboutavegangirl
Facebook : @thingsgaboutavegangirl
Website :

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