Everything You Need to Do to Reduce Sagging Skin

Sagging can affect various areas of the body, but there are many measures you can take to combat this situation. To increase muscle mass and skin firmness, you should focus on drinking water; consume foods rich in protein and collagen; practice physical exercise; do not smoke; and have a balanced weight.

In addition to these actions, you can resort to the use of creams and aesthetic treatments, which guarantee effective and longer-lasting results. Take note of the following advice.

Increase your water intake .

Being hydrated is essential. This is the only way to guarantee skin elasticity. Water renews collagen fibers, keeping it firm and toned. Furthermore, it also improves circulation and prevents swelling caused by fluid retention.

Consume foods rich in protein and collagen .

Protein, present in lean meats, grains, eggs, milk and dairy products, is essential for the formation and maintenance of muscle mass. A diet rich in collagen, present in orange, lemon, kiwi, tangerine, among other citrus fruits, contributes to firmer skin.

You should also focus on vegetables, green tea and red fruits, as they are products rich in antioxidants, which prevent sagging skin, while combating premature skin aging.

Practice physical exercise .

Doing sports, especially weight training, reduces sagging, because it strengthens and increases muscle fibers and tones the skin. Furthermore, muscles replace fat, which causes sagging.

Don't smoke .

Tobacco impairs blood circulation and contains substances that accelerate tissue aging. Therefore, stopping smoking and going to smoky environments are two essential steps to put an end to unwanted sagging.

Have a balanced weight .

The yo-yo effect, that is, the constant increase and loss of weight, causes the elastic fibers to break, causing sagging and stretch marks. Therefore, it is important to have and maintain a balanced weight, so as not to harm the skin.

Use creams that combat sagging.

Moisturizing your skin is also mandatory. Therefore, you should apply silicon or collagen-based creams daily to areas with greater sagging, designed to help tone the skin.

Get aesthetic treatments .

There are several anti-aging treatments that help to get rid of sagging skin. Devices such as radiofrequency, carboxytherapy or cryotherapy are examples of resources that contribute to firmer and more toned skin.

Radiofrequency, for example, helps in the formation of new collagen fibers, being a particularly effective method in combating abdominal sagging.

If you are tired of looking in the mirror and feeling that your skin is no longer as firm as it once was, consider the tips we present here. But if you believe you've tried everything and nothing works, book your anti-aging consultation at doctorino.pt and seek the help of a specialist.

This article is part of a partnership with the company Doctorino and was written by its editors.

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