Roll-On Happiness – Inspira: the Drop of Satisfaction That Was Missing in Your Life

We all want to be happy. But life happens and, at some point, we will all go through challenging situations that threaten this state of mind. Knowing that we will have less good phases allows us to get out of them more quickly, through meditation, paying attention to our breathing, improving our eating habits, exercising and using practices such as aromatherapy (therapy based on the use of essential oils).

The concept of happiness according to experts

According to the American magazine Psychology Today , happiness is an exciting and elusive state. Philosophers, theologians and psychologists have sought to define this concept for years. Positive psychology argues that, more than a state of good mood, happiness is a condition of well-being that involves a good life, with purpose and contentment.

Several studies suggest that happiness can improve physical health. Feelings of positivity and accomplishment seem to benefit cardiovascular health, the immune system, blood pressure, among others.

According to the American publication, “it is not happiness itself that promotes well-being, it is the real search that is the key”.

Researchers have discovered that achieving happiness involves phases of greater discomfort and that everything that surrounds us – genetic makeup, life circumstances, achievements, marital status, social relationships, etc. – influences how happy we are. However, several studies reveal that much of happiness is under personal control. Indulging in small pleasures, setting and achieving goals, maintaining close social ties, and finding a purpose beyond oneself – all of these increase life satisfaction.


Our sense of smell is incredibly powerful. A perfume can bring back childhood memories or make us think of the summer sun, and some smells can actually improve our health and well-being.

Essential oils have been used for thousands of years not only to create a pleasant smell, but also for their healing properties and ability to positively impact our emotional and physical well-being.

Essential oil is a highly concentrated plant component. Essential oils have the ability to trigger emotional and mental responses from the brain, as well as physical reactions within the body. We can use them in all areas of our lives: to relax and sleep; to wake up and focus; to improve digestion; to help cleanse and brighten the skin.

Totally natural, these oils can help us control our mood, improving it and removing denser and negative feelings.


The aromatic essence of orange has a fresh and acidic smell. Both bitter orange and sweet orange increase positivity. If your bad mood is also accompanied by low energy levels, experiencing the refreshing and revitalizing aroma of wild orange can make a difference, thanks to its invigorating character, which has proven benefits to create feelings of happiness that can improve our energy levels. energy.


This aroma is one of the most loved and used by people with an active lifestyle, something that is considered a decisive part of enjoying a happier life. Whether going to the gym, practicing yoga or any other physical activity, mint helps the body and mind feel good.


The possibilities for applying myrrh are almost endless. As a very strong smell, associated with purification and cleansing, this plant was, for many years, used as medicine by the Chinese and Egyptians. It is believed that burning a little myrrh helps to relax and eliminate stress , providing a more peaceful night's sleep (something essential for a superior quality of life).

Roll-On Felicidade – Inspira, a promise of well-being that plays with the senses

Our physical and emotional well-being can be increased with the help of a small bottle: the Felicidade – Inspira roll-on , on sale at Frederica's online store.

This product brings together a wonderful combination of essential oils of mint (analgesic, calming and stimulating), orange (antidepressant and diuretic) and myrrh (anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antiseptic), being able to induce a good mood instantly.

A roll-on to use when you need a boost of energy, and you can use it to gently massage your temples, forehead or wrists. The drop of happiness that was missing in your life, available through this link .

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