Baked Salmon With Broccoli

And why not combine fantastic fish with a good side dish? This time, we bring you a roasted salmon with broccoli. A healthy dish, which always goes well and where it is impossible to make any mistakes! Now look. Ingredients (for 4 units): 4 salmon steaks; Juice of 1 lemon; 1 dessert spoon of grated fresh ginger; Salt and pepper to taste; 2 tablespoons of olive oil; 1 portion of broccoli cooked al dente; 2 tablespoons of fried garlic; Oil.

Preparation method: Season the fish with lemon juice, ginger, salt and pepper; Let it rest for 30 minutes; Place in a medium-sized dish, drizzle with olive oil and place in the preheated oven for 30 minutes; Season the broccoli with salt, pepper and garlic and place around the fish. Drizzle with olive oil and place in the oven for another 10 minutes. Then, just serve.

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