Replace Resolutions With Intentions and Have an Amazing New Year

Substitua as Resoluções Por Intenções e Tenha um Ano Novo Incrível

The end of the year is usually a time when we set goals and get excited about the idea of ​​a new cycle to come. However, even though writing a list of resolutions can represent a myriad of new possibilities on the horizon, the truth is that the goals we set are not always fulfilled: sometimes because they are unrealistic; others, because life forces us to choose other paths and changes our priorities.

By creating a list of New Year's resolutions, we focus on tomorrow and plan our wishes for the future; By making a list of gratitude for everything we have achieved so far, we transport our energy to the present moment.

Positive psychology recognizes the benefits of a recurring gratitude practice for our mental well-being. There is enormous power in valuing and being grateful for what you have today and now, instead of focusing on what you have not yet achieved. This attitude towards life will make you feel better and will help you achieve the goals you have set.

A powerful awareness

Have you noticed that when you give more meaning to your actions, you are more motivated to carry them out? It's not about getting a promotion, having the right diet or being able to buy the house that suits you: it's about feeling good about yourself and working to bring your full potential to the surface to improve as a being. human.

There is no more powerful motivation than continuing to pursue your dreams with real proof of everything you achieved in the previous year. Feeling that anything is possible and that your deepest aspirations actually happen is a powerful and truly inspiring feeling. This is the fuel needed to stay strong.

Gratitude should be a constant practice

The benefits of gratitude are not immediate. Conscious reflection practices should be carried out not only at important moments, such as the end of the year, but rather frequently and, if possible, daily. Being grateful for the simplest things in life only takes a few seconds, but it can have a huge impact on us and the way we live our lives.

Replace resolutions with intentions

When you think about your end of year resolutions, what comes to mind? Obligations, dreams or simply goals that are lost in time? A resolution can be both motivating and suffocating, since what we aspire to rarely happens exactly as we imagined.

We often find that resolutions like starting to train or go on a diet don't last more than a few days or weeks. This happens because a last-minute decision does not have enough weight to imply a significant change in our life.

In essence, New Year's resolutions make us believe that happiness will only be achieved when we reach the future, making us forget that the only thing we really have is the present.

An intention can be more powerful than a resolution because it makes us focus on the path and not just the destination: it's about focusing on what we have and where we are right now, rather than directing our energy to the place or situation that we will experience within half a year. Focus on the purpose associated with your goals to obtain more positive results.

How to set an intention

1. The first step to creating new intentions is to discover what makes you wake up happy, what gives you joy on a daily basis and what really keeps you motivated. Record in a notebook everything that awakens any type of passion in you and share with those closest to you what you have committed to, so that they help you not to lose focus.

2. Think positive thoughts.

3. Say positive affirmations daily.

4. Don't force results and accept what the Universe has in store for you.

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