Raw Mango and Coconut Tart

More than a dessert, this mango and coconut tart is a temptation for those who love a good sweet treat. Lactose-free and no added sugar. Try it!



180g grated coconut;

20g of oat flour;

100g cashew;

50g melted coconut oil;

1 egg;

60g of honey.


4 sheets of gelatin;

2 sleeves;

Juice and zest of 1 lime;

55g coconut oil;

2 small, cold cans of coconut milk;

90g of agave syrup.


1 lime to decorate;

coconut chips qb

Preparation Method:

Start by placing the coconut milk cream in the fridge for a few hours, before starting the recipe;

Prepare the base: in a food processor or food processor, grind the grated coconut, oat flour, cashews and coconut oil until you obtain a thick, sandy mixture. Add the egg and honey and blend again. Remove and line a round tart pan, placing it in the fridge for 20 minutes;

Prepare the filling: hydrate the gelatine leaves in a bowl of cold water until they soften. Remove the gelatin, drain it and melt it in a bain-marie. Reserve;

In a food processor, add the peeled mangoes, the lime juice and zest, the coconut oil and the melted gelatin, mixing all the ingredients;

From the top of the coconut milk cans, remove 4 tablespoons of hardened coconut milk and add it to the previous preparation. Add 60g of agave syrup and mix until a homogeneous cream is obtained. Place the filling on the base and place in the fridge for 30 minutes.

In a bowl, beat 200g of coconut milk with 30g of agave with an electric mixer until you obtain a thick cream. Spread the cream over the mango filling and refrigerate for another 1 hour. Decorate with coconut shavings and lime zest.

This recipe was taken from the book «Let's go natural», by Go Natural.

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