Would you like to take a weekend just for yourself but don't have the courage to leave your pet alone? This process can be much easier than you think. And the truth is that not only will you be able to sleep peacefully, but it will also be enjoyable for both of you to spend a few days away, each looking after themselves. After all, your “dog companion” also deserves a few days of rest and socializing with other animals!
Quinta do Sol is a hotel that provides accommodation for dogs and cats but also other services, with the aim of offering the maximum possible well-being to your animal. One of the mottos of this place is “happy dog, happy family” and, therefore, this could be the perfect place to leave it and relax.
In addition to a simple stay at the hotel, the company also offers personalized service: family accommodation, where petsitters come to your home to take care of your dog. If your animal is sensitive and not used to changes in the environment, this may be the best option. However, this way you will miss out on some treats offered by the farm, such as the interactive play time , the country walk or the swim and splash . There, you can also enjoy a spa session ( pet spa ), so that you leave with renewed energy after a bubble bath or, if applicable, the fleas are removed naturally.
With several activities on offer, your dog will be truly happy on this farm. There is space to “play, run, sunbathe, explore the countryside, chase butterflies and swim”, according to the Quinta do Sol website .
The hotel also offers a transport service ( pet taxi or pet bus ), if you are unable to travel to the location to drop off your best friend. Just call and book the day and time in advance.
Address : Estrada Santiago dos Velhos, 2670-630 (Bucelas, Loures).