Pumpkin and Orange Muffins

This is a recipe for pumpkin and orange muffins . As always, gluten-free and refined sugar-free. The recipe makes four large or six small muffins . You will see that they are delicious!


3 eggs;

½ cup (120g) crushed cooked/roasted pumpkin;

¼ cup (70g) almond or cashew butter;

4 tablespoons (50g) melted coconut oil;

4 tablespoons (60g) agave syrup;

Zest of 1 orange and 2 tablespoons of orange juice;

1/3 cup (40g) ground almonds or almond flour;

1/4 cup (30g) coconut flour;

2 tablespoons (15g) arrowroot flour or cornstarch/cornstarch;

½ teaspoon of baking powder;

Salt, cinnamon and ground ginger to taste;

1 handful (30g) of chopped walnuts.

Preparation method:

In a medium bowl, start by beating the eggs;

Add the remaining liquid ingredients and then the dry ingredients (except the nuts) and mix well;

Pour the mixture into greased muffin tins and sprinkle the walnuts on top;

Place in the preheated oven at 180°C for around 25 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.

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