Prepare Your Skin for Summer Vacation

Prepare a Sua Pele Para as Férias de Verão

Radiant and cared for summer skin involves a series of care and action planning that allows you to treat all of its layers and protect them to a large extent. Before we expose ourselves to the sun and dive into deep seas, it is important to take measures to help us ensure a healthy and glowing appearance.

UV Protection

It doesn't matter how many times we decide to emphasize this rule: protection is the first commandment on this list of care and preparation. Using it morning and night will help the skin build an internal reservoir, protecting it from the inside out. Added to this is the obvious relevance of antioxidants, as they also guarantee good protection against UV rays.

Careful eating

We can and should protect ourselves from the inside: in addition to using sunscreen, there are foods that we should try to integrate into our diet. Cooked tomatoes are rich in lycopene, an antioxidant that helps combat the effects of ultraviolet rays, such as redness and sunburn. Including this food in your meals can represent additional protection, not replacing the traditional protective cream.

Vitamin F

In terms of skin care, vitamin F plays a considerably essential role. Also known as the happiness vitamin, it comprises a mixture of essential fatty acids that can help provide a stronger membrane to our cells. This means that this could be the key to healthier and more hydrated skin, as it reduces moisture loss, something that happens especially in summer, when the skin becomes drier due to a combination of sun and sea water. and swimming pool. Taking a daily vitamin F supplement can therefore be one of the best ways to give your body's largest organ everything it deserves.

Rejuvenating acids

Using retinol or an exfoliant that is too strong ends up damaging our skin's protective surface barrier. For the simple fact that it is drier than normal in summer, sometimes the skin ends up looking much duller and more dehydrated. It is precisely for this reason that it is important to resort to peelings based on rejuvenating acids, which soften our dermis, keeping it fresh and hydrated.


Regular exfoliation can be part of a regimen for healthy skin, no matter the season. As long as your skin isn't sensitive, exfoliating can leave it softer and healthier-looking, which will leave you looking brighter and rejuvenated. The goal is to remove the outer layer of skin cells that are ready to be removed – carefully and without peeling the skin. Using a cleaning device can be a great solution.

Camouflaged cellulite

Some products may be able to smooth out the unwanted irregularities caused by cellulite. The smoothing and toning effect is temporary, but it may be worth applying a toning body lotion to firm up your skin for a day at the beach.

Shave without irritation

After tearing off the wax strip, it is also important to take care of your skin. Do not expose yourself to the Sun immediately after removing your hair. Give your skin some time to recover before laying out your beach towel or exercising outdoors. Protect yourself and apply some talcum powder to avoid ingrown hairs or irritation.

Beautiful feet

After having spent the entire winter with our feet hidden, the heat arrives to remind us that this part of the body also deserves our full attention. Remove the thickest skin on your feet with sandpaper, apply a moisturizing cream and wear cotton socks at night. Do it once a week until you get smooth skin.

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