Prepare your body and mind for a perfect beach day

Prepare o Corpo e a Mente Para um Dia de Praia Perfeito

Want to make sure you're protected as soon as you step out the door, sunglasses on your head and beach bag on your arm? Then you are in the right place. The starting point? A good bath to exfoliate the skin. Read on and get ready to discover the routine that prepares your body and mind for the best beach day ever, recommended by Rituals Magazine .


Exfoliation is essential. It's important to get rid of dead skin cells to make room for new ones. If you find an exfoliant that leaves your skin smelling like summer while cleansing and hydrating it, all the better. Our Tan Range Exfoliant is ideal for renewing and preparing your skin for an even, healthy and long-lasting tan .

At the same time, it is essential to take care of your skin after shaving. Use a quality bath oil to make your body skin as smooth as possible, or try using a foaming shower gel as a base for waxing in the shower.


We've all seen people applying sunscreen to themselves right after placing their towels and other accessories on the sand. What they probably don't know, however, is that it takes 20 minutes for the sunscreen to fully absorb and be completely effective. Applying it before leaving the house is the safest bet. Our Tan Activating Gummies also have the function of preparing and helping to protect your skin for sun exposure.


At this time of year, hair deserves extra attention. If you don't like wearing hats, a great alternative to keeping your hair and scalp safe is to use a hairspray with vitamin E to protect against UV rays. Spray your hair before leaving the house and you will also avoid discoloration.


Afternoons at the beach have a different flavor with the perfect literary company. Reading is one of the best routines to give your mind a boost and is the perfect activity while relaxing in the sun. Need inspiration for your reading list? Enter our online store and discover our suggestions, in books and magazines .


Days at the beach are not just synonymous with taking care of yourself from the outside. It is essential to stay healthy from the inside. Make sure you carry a water bottle that you can refill throughout the day to stay hydrated.

To avoid the temptation of the Berlin Ball, start your day with a delicious and healthy smoothie . Prepare a beetroot salad, which promotes healthy skin, and enjoy this dish as soon as you feel like snacking.

As for external hydration, don't forget to apply a moisturizing after-sun lotion all over your body after a shower, at the end of the day, to soothe and soften your skin. Like the exfoliant, this product also contains tan-extending properties. Result: a healthy and enviable holiday look.


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