The Power of a Positive Mind

Pessimistic people generally expect negative results and become suspicious when things seem to be going well. Optimists, in turn, wait for good things to happen and try to have hope when life does not follow the desired path. Seeing the glass as half full and having a positive perspective allows you to better cope with stressful situations, something that reduces the harmful effects of anxiety on your body and your health.

At this time, the ideal is to focus on the positive side of life, following people on Instagram who motivate us, posts about healthy eating or motivational books. There is a world of things that can help us. Below, we give you some practical examples for everyday life.

Have schedules.

Having a schedule is always good to discipline ourselves, if you can wake up a little earlier, choose to go for a morning walk, enjoy it while the kids are sleeping, if that's the case. You don't have to do it daily, but when you can.

Exercising unconsciously.

Always choose to take the stairs instead of using the elevator. You don't want to arrive at work sweating and already looking super tired. The idea is to use options to exercise without realizing you're doing it.

Choose healthy options.

Start by drinking your coffee without sugar. Sugar kills cells making us age faster. New beginning, new goals.

Complete tasks without distractions.

Don't waste time on social media while you work. Become more productive, this way you finish your work sooner and you don't reach the end of the day with millions of things still to do. Use social media as a leisure time and not as a distraction.

Relax & reflect.

Take 10 minutes out of your day, while you are in traffic, on transport or waiting for a meeting to reflect on your day and organize yourself mentally. Defining our day is halfway to everything flowing better;

Don't always be thinking about the same thing.

If you have an hour for lunch, then take the opportunity to talk to your colleague about something other than work. Enjoy your meals without thinking about what you will do next. You will see that this time will be more pleasurable;


Plan the weekend. It's not about anxiety, but rather the opposite. Thinking about what's coming motivates you and you will certainly receive feelings of happiness in your body. Thought dominates our lives, so take positivity with you. Seeing the positive side will be the best option to overcome difficulties and problems. In all the problems you've had, hasn't everything always been resolved? Continue to believe that everything will be resolved and you will see that, little by little, everything is moving forward.

Intensify your inner strength with our crystals...

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