Pompoirism: the Best Response to Vaginal Gas

It may not be a charming situation, but it is real: vaginal gas exists and can happen at the most inopportune moments (during sexual intercourse or in the middle of a yoga class, for example). If this has happened to you, you don't need to feel like an ET, as this is considered a normal occurrence, which occurs when air is trapped inside the vagina and is released, causing a sound similar to common flatulence. This sound is caused by air passing between the opening of the vagina or, during sex, when air passes between the outside of the vaginal opening and the penis. It may be a one-off situation, but it may also be a symptom of a medical condition that needs to be treated.


During sexual intercourse, the vagina opens and, depending on the position, the vaginal walls may move away from the penis, allowing air to enter. From there, the air is released and the sound that, for many, can be embarrassing, is emitted. In cases of vaginal flaccidity, this phenomenon may occur more regularly. However, in addition to sexual activity , there are other causes that can trigger vaginal gas, namely:

  • Pelvic floor dysfunction , which can result in several problems that arise when the pelvic floor muscles do not function properly;
  • Vaginal fistula , which consists of an anomalous communication between the vagina and another internal abdominal or pelvic organ.


To avoid vaginal gas, it is important to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles through the practice of intimate gymnastics, also known as pompoarism, an ancient technique that focuses on strengthening the pelvic muscles.

Presupposing a series of exercises for the vaginal canal, with the aim of strengthening the muscles and stimulating the contraction of the perineum and vagina, through different contraction and relaxation movements of the vaginal canal, pompoirism contributes to an improvement in female intimate health, providing women with greater awareness of their body and helping them control the contractions of their vaginal canal, reducing vaginal gas.

By enabling practitioners to learn how to better deal with their sexuality, these exercises also allow, at the moment of penetration, the woman to increase friction between the penis and the vagina, making sexual intercourse more pleasurable and facilitating orgasm.

Many women report feeling pain during penetrative intercourse, as they involuntarily contract their vulva. In this type of circumstance, pompoirism can help, as it allows the woman to have more control over these contractions.

This intimate gymnastics goes beyond sexual performance as a couple, and can be done naturally or with the help of certain accessories, such as the well-known Thai balls, which are placed at the entrance to the vagina and which, with certain movements, are sucked and expelled into the vagina. greater control of the perineum region.


Closely linked to Tantra – a Hindu philosophy that looks at the human body as a means to achieve knowledge – pompoarism aims to prolong and intensify pleasure during sexual intercourse, in order to benefit the health of those who practice it.

Although this technique is associated with the female sex, it can also be practiced by men, to encourage an increase in the time between arousal and orgasm and to treat premature ejaculation problems.

According to Gabriela Ostronoff, tantric therapist, although “the technique is still little explored by the Western population, in countries like India it is passed from mother to daughter, with the aim of increasing sexual pleasure". According to the specialist, among the There are several benefits of this practice, including:

  • Strengthening the vaginal muscles and toning the genitals;
  • Prevention and help in the treatment of urinary incontinence;
  • Reduction of menstrual cramps;
  • Increased libido and intensification of orgasms;
  • Aid in eliminating pain during penetrative sexual intercourse.


There are several pompoarism techniques and, to guarantee good results, it is important to commit to a regular practice. According to Roberta Struzani, a therapist specialized in sexuality and gynecological health, it is essential to “seek specialized help at the first stage, in order to obtain guidance on your type of muscle and discover the best training for best results”.

According to the expert, there are some exercises that can be performed by any woman, regardless of her muscle type:

  • Contraction , through five series of 30 contractions of the vaginal canal at 1-minute intervals (as if holding urine), increasing the number of series and decreasing the time interval;
  • Relaxation of the vaginal muscles , adding relaxation to the contraction movement (the feeling of strength to expel urine; first a strong contraction and then intense relaxation for up to five seconds in a series of 10);
  • Strengthening the vaginal muscles , with four series of 25 contractions, making light movements to expel urine, followed by strong contractions;
  • Breathing , inhaling, contracting the vaginal muscles and then exhaling and relaxing.


Pompoirism should not be practiced by pregnant women, nor by women who have recently had an IUD inserted or who have vaginal infections. In any case, before practicing these exercises, consult your doctor to understand whether or not this is the most appropriate solution for your case.

Sources: Healthline, Tantra Yoga Lab, Personare and Genuine Tantric

This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical diagnosis, advice or treatment. No information contained in this article or otherwise provided on frederica.pt is intended to diagnose, treat or cure any patient or should be considered as medical advice or the practice of medicine.

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