Peptides: what they are and what they can do for the skin

Slow down the aging process, reduce inflammation and destroy microbes. All of this can be overcome with the help of peptides, which are smaller versions of proteins. There are several different ones intended for multiple uses, some of the most popular being those that fall into the collagen peptides category, for skin health and anti-aging, as well as the creatine peptide supplements category, for muscle strengthening.

What exactly are peptides?

According to Medical News Today , peptides are short chains of amino acids (also building blocks for proteins). They can be easier to absorb by the body when compared to proteins, since they are smaller, they can also penetrate the skin and intestines more easily, something that helps them enter the bloodstream more quickly.

Peptides in supplements can come from plant or animal sources of protein, including eggs, milk, meat, fish, soy, oats, flaxseeds, hemp seeds, and wheat. Those that are bioactive have a beneficial effect on the body and can positively impact human health, since, according to some research, they are responsible for lowering blood pressure, reducing inflammation, improving immune function and acting as antioxidants.

Benefits of peptides in your skin care routine

New ingredients are always emerging that promise to deeply nourish the skin, while making it revitalized. And although some are not as worth it as it may seem, in the case of peptides the story is different.

Peptides can penetrate the outer layer of the skin and, instead of just remaining on the surface, they can hydrate it more deeply. They function as messengers for other cells, sending them signals to produce more collagen and elastin.

Since these are amino acids that make up certain proteins necessary for the skin, namely collagen, their addition to cosmetic products or certain supplementation can stimulate the skin to produce greater amounts of this protein substance, something that can result in firmer, more elastic skin. with a younger appearance.

Even though our body produces collagen naturally, the truth is that, over time, its production decreases substantially, something that can make the skin appear more wrinkled, less uniform and less luminous.

The skin barrier can be damaged by excessive exfoliation, exposure to cigarette smoke, other pollution or even lack of sleep. However, peptides also function as the body's line of defense against all of these factors, as well as bacteria, UV rays, pollution and other toxins, contributing to building a stronger skin barrier.

Furthermore, since peptides also make up elastin fibers, another type of protein, skin may appear more even and revitalized.

About choosing peptide products

There are several types of peptide products available on the market. You can choose to choose a product like a serum or a moisturizer that has prolonged contact with your skin, for example.

Look at the product label and choose other ingredients wisely. Peptides work well together with antioxidants, vitamin C and hyaluronic acid. Ideally, you should see the peptides listed near the top of the ingredient list.

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