Outdoor Training? Follow These Tips

Training outdoors can be more invigorating than any other type of training. However, there is some essential advice so that we can get the best out of our physical activity, in a safe and productive way.

With the long-awaited arrival of long, hot days, public parks, beaches and gardens quickly transform into open-air gyms. The strong sun and high temperatures require special attention, regardless of the type of training chosen. Therefore, Caladryl Derma , a brand specializing in sun protection, explains what should not be forgotten when pre-workout. Take note of the precautions you should not neglect before putting on your sneakers and leaving the house. Good training!

Prepare your playlist .

Music provides extra motivation and, therefore, should be part of any outdoor workout, be it a walk or a run. Add all your favorite songs to your favorite playlist and fill yourself with energy.

Apply sunscreen.

Exposure to ultraviolet radiation can harm the skin if it is not protected. Therefore, applying sunscreen to areas exposed to the Sun should not be forgotten, both on the body and face. Look for sweat-resistant options that keep you hydrated at the same time.

Choose light clothing.

Comfort during training is essential and choosing the pieces to use is key. Choosing light, fresh and light-colored fabrics helps and, when it comes to footwear, the shoes you choose should take into account the type of training you intend to do, with more or less impact.

Eat a light and nutritious meal.

A light, nutrient-rich meal provides energy for sports. Therefore, before leaving home, it is important to choose foods rich in various nutrients and easy to digest, which increase your performance and contribute to better results.

Choose the hours of lowest heat.

Early morning or late afternoon are the best times to exercise outdoors. These are the hours of cooler heat and less intense ultraviolet rays, factors that make physical activity more enjoyable and safe.

Bottle of water, always!

Hydration is essential for a feeling of well-being during training. A
Exposure to the Sun and the intensity of exercise promote sweating and, consequently, dehydration of the body. Therefore, before leaving the house, it is important to prepare a bottle of water to drink during and after training.

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