The Benefits of Acupuncture for Women

Most women lead stressful and exhausting lives. There are children to take care of, the work routine and also domestic duties, such as cleaning the house or cooking. It's perfectly natural for all of us to reach a point where we feel like we can't take it anymore. It is at this time that symptoms of anxiety and depression begin to appear and, in more serious cases, Burnout syndrome (emotional exhaustion caused by constant work stress ).

It's not healthy for your energy to always be testing you. Human beings need a balance and, to achieve this, they often resort to medicines that are not natural and can cause secondary damage.

This is where acupuncture appears, a natural method (which does not use chemicals), which helps to significantly improve the most common health issues in modern women. Its effectiveness has been scientifically proven and, apparently, this Chinese method also has the ability to alleviate simpler problems, such as menstrual pain, signs of menopause or migraines. With regard to more complex problems, its ability to treat infertility stands out.

Perhaps the term “acupuncture” is not strange to you. However, you will probably never have stopped to explore in more depth all the benefits of this ancient Asian medicine, which argues that there is no disease that cannot be cured.

Acupuncturists essentially work with the body's energy. They believe, in fact, that a medical problem can be solved by rebalancing their energy channels (the so-called “Qi”). But then, how does this process work? It's simple: by restoring the natural energy of the main pressure points of the human body, through the use of needles, the nervous system is stimulated and certain chemicals are released, such as endorphins (a natural substance to relieve pain).

Each case is different and, therefore, before treatment is carried out, the doctor studies the patient's symptoms, as well as their health history. Therefore, the needles needed in your therapy may occupy different areas, compared to other cases.

We specify below the main benefits of acupuncture for women.

Improves menstrual problems.

We know that one of the most boring times of the month is menstruation. With it, several problems manifest themselves. If you have already seen several doctors and none of them have resolved the problem, acupuncture is a great solution. This is capable of resolving severe menstrual pain and flow, irregular periods and even Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS).

Remember that acupuncture is a natural method that does not require you to take chemical medications that could later harm your reproductive system.

Reduces stress.

Having a thousand and one things to do is not easy. Sometimes it becomes difficult to concentrate and disconnect from everything we still have to do after work. But, for your health, make a list of your tasks and try to focus on the present and what really matters.

If you really can't control your stress , turn to acupuncture. Digestive discomfort, hormonal imbalances, insomnia and high blood pressure are problems that can arise from an agitated state of mind, and which can be alleviated using this therapy.

Makes your skin more beautiful.

If you think that stress only manifests itself internally, you are wrong. The heights of greatest concern also affect her physically. You are likely to look more tired. Wrinkles, gray hair, sagging skin and even deeper dark circles are some of the results that may appear.

In addition to making the skin smoother and free from imperfections, acupuncture is also an effective method for combating acne.

Treats migraines and persistent headaches.

Did you know that problems such as migraines and persistent headaches affect between 8% and 15% of European citizens? Women, in turn, are the ones who suffer most from this condition, especially because, from adolescence onwards, migraines become twice as common in females.

In women, this disorder is more associated with the menstrual cycle. It is common to worsen in the first months of menstruation or even during the menstrual period. Taking medication can cause chronic health problems. Therefore, try acupuncture, which provides an energetic balance throughout the body, blocking the passage of painful stimuli to the brain.

Helps improve infertility problems.

Infertility is one of the problems that can most affect your relationship with your husband. Inevitably, it is difficult to deal with conventional treatments when no results are seen. Acupuncture treats the most common causes of this reproductive problem and also helps to increase the chances of getting pregnant, if the couple is not infertile.

However, you should always talk to your doctor first to find out if you actually have a problem that is affecting your fertility.

Helps you lose weight.

If you are going through menopause, you have noticed that you probably have a few extra pounds. At this stage of life, women tend to gain more weight, due to the decrease in estrogen production and the decrease in metabolism throughout life.

Acupuncture is not only ideal for women going through menopause, but also for people with overweight problems. But be careful: you won't be able to see a significant change by focusing on acupuncture alone. You should also invest in a weight loss program, practicing physical exercise and adopting a healthy diet.

This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical diagnosis, advice or treatment. No information contained in this article or otherwise provided on is intended to diagnose, treat or cure any patient or should be considered as medical advice or the practice of medicine.


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