Keep Negative Emotions Away From This Season

The Christmas season is known for being one of the most beautiful of the year, but the truth is that these days can bring us moments of great anxiety, loneliness and even sadness. And even though the family season allows us to spend moments of joy with those closest to us, the truth is that no one wants to accept annoying questions from their aunt or cousin about when we will get married or have children.

If this Christmas all you want is to have some peace of mind, we leave you with some simple tips to keep your mind calm and your body calm.

Prioritize quality time .

Make a list of everything that is part of your routine that is non-negotiable, that is, a list of everything that improves your well-being on a daily basis. If doing a morning meditation is imperative to start your day off right, if reading another chapter of a certain book is part of your goals or if having a set time to go to sleep are important parts of your routine, stick to them.

Because we all also need to spend some time alone to recharge our energy and find peace, it may be important to postpone certain plans to take a relaxing bath, which can make all the difference when managing the emotions of the season.

There are several traditions and plans that we intend to put into practice at Christmas, but do they all make us happy? Make a list of your main goals this season: spending time with relatives you rarely see, spending quality time with your children, helping people in need or any other goal that makes you feel fulfilled. In the coming weeks, keep your goals in mind and allow yourself to let go of anything that doesn't help you achieve them.

Do your best and rethink your desires .

The best part of Christmas is being able to give and receive. This gesture becomes much more profound when it does not imply the materialism expressed in certain gifts.

Offer a little more of your time and company to others and help those most in need with something that can make a difference in their days. If you feel alone this season, find other ways to offer your love (ask your friends if everything is ok with them, call your mother or see if your elderly neighbors need any favors from you).

Giving can have enormous transformative power in our lives, since from the moment we do it we are completely focused on what we have, instead of thinking too much about everything we don't have.

It is also important that the expectation that this will be the magical season that we know does not make us lose our rational side and think that everything will turn out exactly as we imagined. Maybe your interpersonal relationships won't improve because it's Christmas; Perhaps your more sentimental side is not enhanced because it is the month of all feelings of love.

Enjoy the little moments that are exclusively yours. Trying to get into the Christmas spirit when you simply aren't feeling it isn't real happiness and can make you feel sadder or more anxious.

Enjoy the moments genuinely .

The mind and body are inextricably linked. Eating properly, following the principles of mindful eating , savoring each ingredient, is essential. Eliminate the toxins generated by all the negative feelings that may invade you, too.

Don't feel guilty about enjoying the best seasonal delicacies. There will be many indulgences this season and, therefore, you should try to be tolerant of yourself, avoiding feeling like the worst person in the world for not having resisted your grandmother's French toast.

Know how to enjoy the moments that bring you closer to the people you care about. When you stop feeling hungry, stop eating. Listen to what your body is trying to communicate to you, understand what it needs and put some healthy elements on your plate. Do you accept the challenge?

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