Moringa, the Oil of Beauty

Superfoods. There are several, but there is one that stands out and is not always talked about: moringa. This ingredient is nothing more or less than a plant rich in nutrients, used for centuries for phytotherapeutic purposes, and which has been gaining some popularity in the beauty universe, thanks to all the benefits that we find in its extracts.

The origin

Native to places like India, Afghanistan and Bangladesh, the moringa tree grows quickly and doesn't need much water to survive, something that makes it easy to grow. Its leaves and roots are edible, but what has really become popular, thanks to its benefits, is the oil extracted from its seeds, which can be used in cooking, as well as on the skin and in the hair. Additionally, experts at Healthline say that virtually every part of the moringa tree can be used for medicinal and nutritional purposes.

It is no coincidence that the tree which gives life to this oil is also nicknamed the “miracle tree”. Proof of that These are all qualities that we find in this oil, which can be sold both in the form of cooking oil and in the form of essential oil.

Source of vitamin A and iron

Present in a myriad of facial cleansing and moisturizing products, moringa is a true source of vitamin A, and when applied topically, it can encourage the renewal of skin cells. Because it is also an antioxidant, dehydrated skin is rejuvenated and energized after its application.

Rich in iron and beta-carotene, this ingredient boosts our immune system as it our body uses it to produce more vitamins. That's why it can be so It is useful to take a supplement of this base after an intensive workout.

More beautiful skin and hair

Some say that creating a beauty treatment based on moringa essential oil can improve the appearance and health of skin and hair.

Prepare it at your home:


2 drops of almond oil;

5 to 10 drops of olive oil moringa;

5 to 10 drops of lavender oil.

Preparation method:

Mix all the oils in a glass container;

Apply to hair, massaging the root;

Let the solution act for at night;

In the morning, when you wake up, wash your hair, and apply your usual conditioner.

Note: another option is to heat this mixture for a few seconds in the microwave, before applying it, as This heating will accentuate the pleasant smell of the oils.

You can also apply the product to your face, massaging gently and removing excess.

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