Tips for a More Ecological Christmas

It's inevitable. The cold arrives and the bills at home skyrocket: more time in the shower (with very hot water), heaters and general heating on, much more used tumble dryers and an endless list of other very un-ecological behaviors. In short, a set of necessary situations when temperatures drop, but which sometimes leads us to forget our duty to protect the planet.

We can even do certain things without thinking, but there are small changes to take into account on a daily basis, which can make a difference to the environment (and our pockets!). Take note.

Enjoy the heat of the Sun.

During the day, open the curtains on windows that face the sun. This will naturally heat your home. At night, as the temperature drops suddenly, close the curtains to prevent the cold from the window panes from spreading too far.

Adjust the temperature.

The goal is not to be cold. However, sometimes the temperatures are not that low, but we still choose to turn on the heater or air conditioning, instead of putting on a coat, right? It's these small gestures that make a difference. Save the heat from appliances for when it is really needed.

Avoid baths with scalding water.

Standing in the shower with the water running hot, just for the pleasant feeling of being warm in winter. Who never? In addition to being a huge waste of water, too hot water is bad for your skin and hair too. Only disadvantages, which don't make these short minutes of pleasure worth it.

Decorate the house with warmth.

Another way to keep your home warm is to make it comfortable. Rugs are a way to warm up rooms. Blankets or blankets on the sofa are also another strategy. Did you know that there are heat insulating curtains? They do not let the cold pass through the windows and keep the heat inside the house. How about considering this option?

Choose decoration in LED lights.

For this season's decoration, opt for LED lights. They are the most ecological, and equally festive! These are small gestures, but if we all adopt them we will make a difference on Earth, this home that we share and that we have to take care of, today and always.

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