Practice MindCoffee Every Morning to Relax Your Mind

Pratique o MindCoffee Todas as Manhãs Para Relaxar a Mente

What if we could revitalize the mind (and consequently the body) with less (or no) caffeine? Would it be better for the body? Of course! MindCoffee is simple, super healthy and more: it's free! Just like caffeine, mindful meditative relaxation will help reduce adenosine in the body, that neurotransmitter that tells our body how tired we are. But don't be scared! You don't have to be a Yogi, Buddhist or sit cross-legged. So, here are the tips for making your MindCoffee :

  • Take at least 10 minutes to be alone, preferably outdoors;
  • Sit comfortably, do not lie down, as you may fall asleep and that is not what you want for now;
  • Inhale and exhale 3 times, deeply but slowly. (When you exhale, let the air out slowly, until you think there is no more air to come out);
  • Close your eyes.
  • Surrender to the moment, no matter how much your head may hurt or feel unwell: " I deserve this moment. This moment is mine alone. I allow myself to relax" ;
  • Focus on the here and now and accept what you are feeling: " I'm here now (in the bedroom, or office, or outdoors...) and I calmly accept what I'm feeling (tiredness, or headache, or indisposition, etc.)". Inhale and exhale again, slowly;
  • Calmly, with your eyes still closed, pay attention to the sounds that may surround you. Without trying to explain why they are there or why they make that noise, try to understand what the sounds are: " I hear, in the distance, a car… Now someone talking…, etc.";
  • When the thought becomes lost (it's completely normal!), inhale and exhale deeply, but slowly, and stay a little focused on your breathing;
  • Focus again on the sounds that may surround you and when your thoughts are lost, when you realize that you are already thinking about other things, repeat point 8;
  • When you get tired of this moment, open your eyes slowly and focus your attention on the space that surrounds you, really feeling that you are here and now;
  • Get up slowly and enjoy the natural effects of MindCoffee !

Secret: train whenever you can and feel like it, so that it has a greater and better effect in the following days.

Vanda do Nascimento is a therapist, trainer and Mindfulness instructor at the Escola de Mindfulness Essencial , founded by her in 2016. She began her career as a teacher in 1997, obtaining a degree in Education. On that same date, he also began his studies in Reiki, Meditation and Mindfulness. Later, he embarked on the path of Psychology and delved even deeper into the topic of Mindfulness, in order to continue his fight to control stress and anxiety.

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