Masturbation May Be the Cure for Menstrual Symptoms. Understand Why

A Masturbação Pode Ser a Cura Para os Sintomas da Menstruação. Entenda Porquê

What if we told you that masturbation and menstruation make a fantastic pair? As strange as it may seem, masturbating on the days you have your period can be a miracle cure for the usual discomforts of the menstrual cycle, in addition to being a completely normal, common and healthy activity.

Often, during your period, the only acts of self-love you feel like doing for yourself are eating chocolate, watching Netflix and wearing comfortable pants. However, you will be surprised by the benefits of indulging in solo pleasure these days. For starters, you can say “goodbye” to cramps – yes, you read that right! Read on to find out why you should take some alone time during your period, according to US publication Healthline .

1. It can help relieve pain .

Masturbation can function as a menstrual analgesic, having the ability to relieve various types of pain, including headaches, pelvic pain and joint pain. This happens because, during orgasm, the body releases a wave of dopamine and serotonin. These hormones act as natural painkillers.

2. It can help improve mood .

Who doesn't feel better or happier after a session of pleasure, alone or with someone? There is a chemical reason: endorphins. These hormones are released during orgasm and are associated with improving our mood.

3. It can help you sleep better.

Add melatonin to the list of medications that masturbation can replace. In addition to releasing oxytocin, which creates a sedative effect when the initial rush passes, orgasm also releases a chemical called prolactin – a hormone linked to the feeling of drowsiness. This makes falling asleep easier.

4. It's the perfect recipe for having a more intense and lasting orgasm.

During menstruation, there is an increase in blood flow and circulation, which can increase arousal, sensitivity and pleasure. Additionally, some people consider blood to be a great lubricant. Therefore, masturbating during the days you have your period can be the perfect formula to have your best orgasm of the month.

5. Supposedly, it helps shorten your cycle .

According to some experts, at the time of sexual activity – again, alone or with someone – the uterus contracts and, at that moment, expels the uterine lining more quickly than it would do alone. This fact is not proven, but why not try? Remember that sexual pleasure is normal, healthy and safe every day of the month. Love yourself and know how to enjoy your body.

Source: Healthline.

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