Lubricant: Where did it come from and what is its importance?

Lubricant. Its appearance was probably one of the most praised inventions in matters of intimacy. Today, there are several variants of this life-saving product, featuring laboratory-tested ingredients capable of pleasing the most peculiar tastes and promising long-lasting lubrication. However, were lubricants something that corresponded to all this? In truth, no.

It was at the beginning of the 20th century that modern lubricant emerged. Before that, our ancestors were very far from resorting to infinite range of commercial products that we find at our disposal today. They rather, they resorted to the purest offerings of Nature, taking advantage of substances derived seeds, fruits or even leaves. It is reported that, over thousands of years, our ancestors used seaweed and olive oil to lubricate themselves. Surprised? So, you can now be (very grateful!) for the fact that There are so many current solutions for something that is so normal and important.

In the logic of sex, regardless of what one like it or not, there is a transversal premise: the more lubrication, better. Some women suffer from vaginal dryness, but the use of this substance Magic can also benefit other issues. The advantages are simple: less friction and more smoothness.

According to a study from Indiana University, United States, 70% of the approximately 2500 women surveyed stated that the Lubricant made sex much more enjoyable. In heterosexual relationships, it is It is important to demystify the idea that, if a woman does not present sufficient fluids, this is due to the lack of excitement towards the man. AND It is recommended that you look at the lubricant as a facilitator of a process which, sometimes, does not happen as “wet” as expected.

What types of lubricant are available for sale? Marketplace?

There are water-based, silicone-based or oil. Then, there are versions that feature a combination of these ingredients (hybrids), which usually contain water and silicone.

In the case of water-based lubricants , the topic Central is versatility. This is because they can be used in almost all types of sexual activity, and are also safe for use with condoms.

One of the most popular types of lubricant is one that contains a composition that respects and balances the pH of the vagina, at the same time which reduces friction, without staining the sheets and being easy to adapt to the skin. Those that are water-based are, in fact, the most common, and may or may not no, contain glycerin. Those that do not contain it are the most suitable for health vaginal and have a longer shelf life.

In cases of very sensitive skin, it will make more sense Use a silicone-based lubricant , as it is hypoallergenic. If the goal is to experience longer sexual intercourse, this variant may be the most suitable, due to the fact that it has greater durability in skin, requiring reapplication less frequently. The minus side positive of silicone lies in the fact that this ingredient can neglect some sex toys, also made from this material, at the same time at which time it transforms them into something much less hygienic. Another advantage? He can be used with a condom.

In turn, oil-based lubricants are ideal for those who don't want to worry about constant applications. They work well during massage moments and can be the special ingredient that was missing in this time. However, this type of lubricant should not be used with condoms. latex, as they can increase the likelihood of it tearing – such as rest all oils increase. Another problem associated with oil is with the existence of a greater possibility of contracting some vaginal infections, as well as the fact that it stains clothes and sheets, creating stains that are difficult to eliminate.

Recently, natural lubricants have also emerged which, as the name suggests, have ingredients of natural origin, being perfect for those who care about the ingredients they put in contact with which is one of the most sensitive areas of our entire body. Generally, These products have neither smell nor taste.

The importance of using lubricant during painful sexual intercourse

Although some women may feel uncomfortable talking about pain during penetrative sex, it is important to seek medical advice to identify the cause of the problem and treat it effectively.

Applying lubricant before sex can help alleviate pain, as this product provides gentle hydration to delicate tissues. Lubrication is a very important part of the physical arousal process, and additional help is often needed to enjoy stimulation of the vulvar area, including the clitoris and vagina.

Using lubricant reduces friction in the vagina, increasing comfort during sex and minimizing any sensation of pain or irritation. However, vaginal dryness is a very common sexual problem that must be treated appropriately.

Is there a right way to lubricate?

There is no “correct” way to use the lubricant. But it is known that if the body has not yet received the message that it is recommended time to start lubricating, this is the time to move forward for the application of this product. Even if there is natural lubrication enough, we can make use of this extra help, wherever we need it and in the quantity whatever we want. It is recommended that the temperature of the substance be increased with the our hands, so that it is not too cold when applied to intimate areas.

As a rule, lubricants without parabens, glycerin or oil minimize the risk of infections, something that makes them an even better choice more intelligent.

Even though, when sexually excited, the woman presents natural lubrication, the truth is that this does not always happen. A relationship sex where there is no lubricant can be painful and can damage the vaginal lining, which is why it is very important to try to counteract hormonal factors, or others, which prevent adequate lubrication. Using a product suited to your needs will benefit the entire relationship, increasing excitement, pleasure, keeping the vaginal skin softer and reducing friction at the time of penetration.

The first step is to try to understand what type of lubricant will make more sense to you, also understanding the best way to make the most. There are lubricants that are specifically designed to to improve sexual arousal. These are the best ones to try. something different with your partner.

To facilitate this entire process, even if there is no fixed formula to lubricate yourself, there are some simple gestures that you can consider, namely:

  • Use lubricant during foreplay;
  • Place a towel to avoid staining the bed linen;
  • Apply lubricant immediately before penetration;
  • Reapply whenever necessary.

Not all vaginal lubricants have the same characteristics.

We are all different and, precisely for this reason, we all present different needs and reactions. Lubricants with a “heating” function can not be the most recommended, as they can quickly dry the skin, thanks to the presence of glycerin. In cases where vaginal lubrication is not sufficient, It makes sense to opt for a silicone-based lubricant to prolong the moment.

If you frequently suffer from fungal infections, there is a mandatory rule: avoid lubricants that contain glycerin in their composition and avoid scents or fragrances that often cause irritation.

On the other hand, if you are trying to get pregnant, make sure you choose a sperm-friendly product.


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