Three Steps to Prolong Your Tan

With the ideal makeup, it is possible to prolong the golden tone of your skin for longer. The watchwords are “control in hand”, without forgetting that the neck, arms, legs and hands reveal our true tone. Therefore, appropriate techniques and products must be used.

The main makeup technique to prolong a tan tone is to darken strategic points on the face, which as a whole will give the illusion of a darker overall tone, whilst also shaping and refining the contours of the face.

So, let's see what steps we will have to follow:

1. Apply bronzing powder (without shine) to the following areas:

Forehead, close to the hair roots;

Face fonts;

Nose, in the lateral areas;

Below the cheekbones, where the face is slightly sunken;

Maxillary area, bordering the neck;

Chin, at the tip, almost falling towards the neck.

2. Use a highlighter with a slight golden glow:

Above the cheekbones;

On the bridge of the nose.

3. Complete with a va va voom highlighter!

To top it off, you can also add a small drop of highlighter to the base, mix well and apply all over the face. This way, you will be helping to revive the tanned tone of your skin.

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