Learn How to Use Combinations of Essential Oils to Make a Therapeutic Bath

Aromatherapy is a complementary therapeutic method, which involves the use of essential oils for a certain period of time, with the aim of treating our mind and our physical and spiritual side.

Essential oils are extremely concentrated, which makes just one drop extremely powerful. In its process of action, its aromatic molecules permeate the air and, when we inhale this aroma, the odor molecules enter the nostrils and go up to our olfactory receptors (structures in the nose that transmit information about smells to the brain). Thus, changes in emotional behavior happen, because the focus or attention of the moment is changed. It is this action that makes aromatherapy influence our state of mind, naturally transforming our physical and mental state and improving our lives.

Learn how to prepare a therapeutic bath with essential oils

Whether you prefer cold water to refresh and awaken your body, or you prefer hot water to bring a feeling of comfort, there is nothing better than an invigorating bath. But to make this moment of the day even better, how about using inspiring sensations and aromas?

Scented candles, for example, can be used to increase the scent in the bath. According to Brazilian floral therapist Márcia Rissato, we should prefer herbal and citrus aromas during the day, as well as candles with essential oils, as these have the ability to activate our limbic system, which is the region of the brain that controls emotions. our emotions.

Continue reading to find out how to enjoy the benefits of essential oils during your bath, preparing different therapeutic moments according to your desire or need.

To relax the mind and body

Lavender and lemon free us from negative thoughts and bring us good vibes. Lavender essential oil is very useful when there are repetitive thoughts, emotional conflicts and excessive worry, being able to bring rationality, serenity and a feeling of inner freedom that gives lucidity of thought.

To start your day nicely

In your morning shower, place a diffuser in your bathroom with 5 drops of sweet orange essential oil + 3 drops of peppermint essential oil + 2 drops of rosemary essential oil. This combination of aromas will enhance the effect of daylight, bringing joy and focus.

To increase libido

To spice up your relationship and enjoy a bath for two, Ylang-Ylang may be the best choice. Sweet ylang ylang oil has aphrodisiac powers, stimulating the senses and increasing libido.

To get a good night's sleep

Being on top of things these days is a reality for all of us, especially for those who can't relax even when it's time to sleep. For insomnia, the ideal is a combination of lavender essential oil and sweet orange – lavender helps you fall asleep and sweet orange reduces anxiety and keeps you more relaxed.
Lavender essential oil is suitable for moments of emotional stress , insomnia and anxiety, quickly establishing calm and tranquility. Sweet orange, in turn, restores vital energy. Together, these two aromas are the ideal combination for a serene and therapeutic bath.

Article adapted Marie Claire Brasil.

frederica essential oils

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