Learn How to Use Coconut Oil to Remove Makeup and Moisturize Your Skin

Coconut oil can help treat dry hair, soothe dehydrated skin, soothe sunburn and maintain oral hygiene. But this time, we decided to explore the full power of this tropical elixir as a feminine beauty tool.

Praised for its accessibility and effectiveness in cleansing and hydrating the skin, coconut oil is a natural ingredient widely used to remove makeup in a simple and healthy way. To do this, simply understand if your skin type allows its use and follow a few simple steps. If you still use makeup remover wipes every day, this article promises to change your mind — for the good of your skin and the planet.

Why should we stop using make-up remover wipes?

Dermatologists have been telling us for years that makeup removal wipes are harmful to the skin. Full of aggressive and harmful chemicals that disrupt the skin's pH balance, as well as its acid mantle (protective layer that prevents impurities from entering and seals in moisture and natural oils), wipes strip the skin of its natural oils, They are only designed to eliminate makeup particles, not to keep the skin cared for and hydrated.

If you choose to clean your face with these makeup removers, it is likely that a considerable amount of makeup residue will still remain in your pores, leaving them clogged.

Resorting to this type of makeup removal is also terribly harmful to the environment. Disposable products cause much more damage than we can imagine (a single wipe can take 100 years to decompose).

Coconut oil, which has antibacterial properties, can be an excellent alternative option, as it is not only gentle on the skin, but can also be used daily and is suitable for removing eye makeup. However, all skin is different and reacts to oils differently. Take a test and use coconut oil for a few days to see if your skin reacts well.


To remove makeup from your face, it is important to choose organic, unrefined, cold-pressed coconut oil. Coconut oil's melting point is quite high (about 76 degrees), but be aware of this when storing it. In its natural state, it will be more solid, and you can easily keep it in the jar you bought it in or transfer it to a smaller container.

Quantity & method of application

You don't need more than a teaspoon of coconut oil to remove makeup from your entire face. It is also not necessary to use cotton pads or face towels. Just pass the oil between your hands to heat it until it turns into a liquid and then massage your face as if it were a conventional make-up remover.

Rinse normally and wash your face afterwards

After removing your makeup, wash your face with warm water. Coconut oil can clog pores, so it's important to use your usual cleanser or toner after this first step. Dry your skin with a towel and apply your usual serums and moisturizers.


Clean makeup brushes mean clearer skin. To clean your brushes (you should do this at least once a month), add a small amount of coconut oil to an antibacterial soap and wipe the brush until all makeup residue is removed. Then, just rinse normally, in warm water, and let it air dry.

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