The Power of Jasmine Tea

Scented with the aroma of the flowers of the plant that gives it its name, jasmine tea is, as a rule, made from green tea leaves. Going back to its past, it is said that its history began in China and also in Persia. The truth is that one of the reasons why jasmine tea is so popular is due to the wide range of benefits it presents for our health in general, thanks to the nutritional elements that are characteristic of it.

Aroma and flavor

For the most part, the different types of jasmine tea are classified as flavored teas, as the flowers are often used to enhance the authenticity of the tea. The perfume process involves drying tea leaves together with fresh jasmine flowers. Thus, the flowers are replaced every 24 hours and this entire transformation can take several days (depends on each person's taste). Normally the flavor of jasmine green tea is quite subtle and delicate, with fresh and floral notes.

The health benefits

The truth is that we are talking about a truly special tea – full of powerful plant compounds, which act as antioxidants in our body and protect our cells against damage from free radicals. These compounds have been linked to multiple benefits, such as weight loss and improved blood sugar control.

As a valuable formula to help us reduce body fat, this tea helps us burn up to 100 calories per day. These properties, with regard to fat burning, are, in a certain way, related to the caffeine present in its composition. A 2012 study, published in The Cochrane Database of Systematic Review , revealed that the antioxidant properties of jasmine green tea helped increase metabolism, making physical exercise effective and helping the body process nutrients more quickly, something crucial for us. help you lose weight.

On the other hand, jasmine tea is a good friend of our hearts and can also promote better oral health, as, by having catechins in its composition, it ends up being able to protect us against tooth decay, killing bacteria. plaque forming. Furthermore, through its consumption our breath ends up being improved, as the life of bacteria that cause bad odor is put to an end.

Benefits for the skin

Jasmine flowers and their essential oils have antibacterial and antioxidant properties that can help keep your skin looking better. Oils can be used topically on the skin for wounds and scars, and tea, in turn, can also offer excellent benefits for our skin.

The polyphenols present in the composition of this tea help to slow down the aging process, eliminating free radicals that can cause wrinkles and damage to the skin, also working to even out skin pigmentation and minimize fine lines.

The hidden powers

There are also certain occult powers related to jasmine, of which little is said. Interestingly, as this plant is completely linked to the plane of divine thoughts and purity, it manages to eliminate what is less pure in us, something that is perfectly transposed into tea, as it detoxifies our organism at all levels.

Known for being the flower of attraction, jasmine is a common element in promoting love and more spiritual desires, evoking feelings of passion and love. Its calming properties affect our mind, stimulating our sensuality and inner beauty. When used in body oils, it can also awaken our creative energy.

The important thing to remember about this wonder of the world of herbs is, essentially, the fact that it is delicious and easy to combine with our diet. This tea can be purchased in bags or loose leaves. To prepare them, simply add them to a pan and add hot water between 70 to 80° C, avoiding using boiled water, as this can neglect the delicate flavor of the tea. Let the tea steep for 3 to 5 minutes, then strain and serve. The next part is just one: enjoy and relax.

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