Jade Facial Roller: A Beauty Care Must-Have

On those days when you wake up feeling like your skin isn't that glowing, here's the traditional Chinese medicine tool that can save you: the jade facial roller.

It has become popular in recent years, but the truth is that it has existed for centuries, having been created because it was believed that a crystal like jade carried a very strong healing energy, capable of balancing our inner energies, relaxing our system nervous and generate a feeling of harmony and balance. Today, the refreshing and softening properties that characterize this tool make it one of the fundamental items for promoting deep lymphatic drainage in the skin – a massage technique that improves blood circulation.

Normally, all facial rollers (there are also amethyst and rose quartz rollers) help reduce facial swelling, but the jade roller is special because it presents a little more resistance to the skin. This is because it is not as smooth as other crystals, ending up having more impact on the contour and lifting effect. However, the function of any facial roller is always the same: to provide facial massages that, in the long term, can reduce expression lines, sagging below the neck and swelling.


Each crystal has unique powers that are great for the skin, helping to balance and restore the mind and body. Therefore, choosing a facial roller is almost like choosing a crystal to always have with you, because each one does its job in its own way. Jade is known to convey peace; rose quartz is the crystal of love. Both versions of the facial roller help reduce puffiness – especially on days when you wake up with a visibly fuller under-eye area – so whichever you choose, you won't go wrong. However, if you are looking for an instrument that facilitates facial contouring, the jade roller should win that battle.


The facial roller must be used on clean skin, before using your beauty products. First, it is It is important that you clean your face very well and apply your serum and/or usual moisturizer. At night, you can always apply a little oil and let it the facial roller facilitates its absorption into the skin.

You can use the roller to make movements forward and backward, up and down and to the side. If you wish lifting the muscles of the face, you must make upward movements.

Apply gentle pressure, but with firmness. Start in the middle of your face and don't forget to roll the roller on your face as well. lips and neck, two particularly neglected areas.


Since the increase in circulation blood pressure to reduce eye swelling, there are several benefits of this precious beauty instrument. The facial roller also helps the skin absorb moisturizing products that we apply, removing excess.

Drainage is one of the main benefits of this massage, encouraging the natural detoxification process of the lymphatic system, increasing blood flow. The result is revitalized skin, with a more awake and luminous appearance. Furthermore, the jade roller is perfect for calming the skin at the end of a long day, when it has been subject to the usual free radicals that we are all subject to on a daily basis.

Before using it, you can place it for a few minutes in the refrigerator, to ensure a cooling effect even more intense (be careful not to spend too much time exposed to these temperatures, as this could cause breakage). Use it every day, for increasingly visible and lasting results.


Think about your makeup brushes. Just as these should be washed regularly, a facial roller also needs this care. You can simply wash it with soap and water, leaving it to dry and storing it in a moderate climate.

People with skin problems such as acne should wash the facial roller after each use. But if this is not the case, a weekly wash will be enough to keep the roller intact and functional.

Get the jade facial roller, here .

You can purchase your jade roller at Frederica's online store, through this link.

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