Is Your Phone Clean? Here's How to Disinfect It

It's not a pleasant thing to admit, but it's time to do it: our phones are completely filthy. The times of quarantine have awakened in us the desire to be constantly aware of what is happening in the world, while at the same time keeping ourselves entertained. And that means we don't let go of our best friend on boring days.

With concerns about the spread of the virus at the forefront of all of our minds, we have finally realized that your phone can harbor harmful viruses on its surface. According to some international studies, our phones have 10 times more bacteria than a common bathroom. Scary, right? Now think: how often are you cleaning your phone? We already know that, during a pandemic, it is mandatory to wash your hands and avoid touching your face, but perhaps the device where we spend most of our time scrolling is not getting the attention it deserves.

Some research reveals that cell phones belonging to women are generally much more contaminated than those belonging to men, something that can be explained by the fact that women wear makeup and this is transferred to the phone through their hands or skin. face.

Stop using your phone in the bathroom!

The bathroom is one of the worst places to use your phone. Germs (including fecal matter) are released into the air and can land on the device's surfaces, causing them to also spread outside. And this process can trigger diseases.

Don't share your phone with other people.

The rule is the same for television controls, writing utensils and mobile devices: do not share or disinfect the object thoroughly when doing so. Objects like these are the perfect reservoir for spreading disease among humans.

What is the best way to clean your phone?

It's important to remember that every time you use your cell phone, you transfer germs from your skin to the surface. We touch this device frequently, just as we touch our face several times a day. So what's the best way to ensure we reduce germs on our phone? We don't need an extremely elaborate formula: good old soap and water are enough to reduce microbial activity to adequate levels.

So, when you decide to clean your device, the simplest and most effective way to do it is using water, household soap and some microfiber cloths. Perform cleaning as follows:

  • Unplug your phone and turn it off completely;
  • Moisten a microfiber cloth with soap and water;
  • Carefully rub the phone's surfaces with the damp cloth, avoiding openings, such as the charging or earphone ports;
  • Dry your phone with a clean, dry microfiber cloth.
  • Never use harsher chemicals to try to rid your phone of germs. Household soap is really effective and using other products will probably do more harm than good.

Most smartphones have an oil-repellent coating to keep smudges and fingerprints off the screen. The use of aggressive chemicals can destroy this coating, ruin the screen and create permanent marks. Even water-resistant devices can end up completely ruined after a cleaning attempt that was intended to be effective.

You already know what you have to do. Leave your phone spotless and continue to wash your hands several times a day (don't forget to keep them hydrated, using your usual hand cream!).

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