Boost Libido and Spice Up Your Relationship

With the arrival of a new year comes new goals. One of them could be improving your well-being and taking care of your aura, something that can be achieved if your relationship awakens the best version of you.

How about spicing up your relationship and intensifying your libido to welcome 2021 in beauty? You don't need to completely overhaul your sexual habits. You just have to set one or two simple goals to revive all the fiery feelings that have been lost over time. Follow our tips.

Release your body's energy.

Connect with your own body and try to release your energies in a new way. Try dancing or yoga , so you feel fit and, consequently, have more desire to share your inner well-being with your loved one. The fact that you feel more attractive and feel good in your skin will help you regain your sexual power. Explore new ways to move and become more comfortable in your body.

Use erotic films for couples.

Understanding what sexually excites your loved one, through something they have never experienced before, can be a good first step. Watching an erotic film that pleases the couple can contribute to a new form of excitement, completely going against routine and establishing new levels of pleasure.

Organize a mini date .

If you're too busy and can't arrange a weekly date night with your favorite person, opt to have breakfast with them or schedule a quick lunch during the week.

Think out of the box.

Several studies indicate that exploring an activity that is totally out of your routine can help spark excitement. Doing something new provides a greater sense of unity and intimacy for the couple. Think outside the box and do an activity that excites you, like a walk by the sea or a picnic in a far-off place you've never been to before. Set out to discover and explore new sensations of satisfaction with the person you love.

Pleasure yourself in front of your loved one.

Masturbation, in addition to bringing several health benefits, such as mood improvements and stress relief, also allows your lover to watch you while you enjoy pleasure, something that can create intimacy and desire. Allowing the other person to witness how and where they like to be touched is allowing yourself to be exposed to a level of vulnerability that encourages closeness. Trying a new activity creates dopamine – a neurotransmitter that, according to some experts, is linked to physical attraction and passion – and awakens the same feelings you had at the beginning of your relationship, simultaneously intensifying the excitement. In this sense, using a remote-controlled sex toy can be a great option for more adventurous couples. Let your partner control the vibrator and enjoy extended foreplay to increase your libido.

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