In 2021, Reinvent Yourself, Gain Wings and Fly!

Almost everything starts with the smallest things, such as having the courage to read this article until the end! Has courage? Show it. This text is for you! Think: what has been holding you back? Suffocated? What has made her walk there, within herself, in a place and rhythm that doesn't change and that doesn't make her evolve? What makes you most afraid? What are you afraid of? What are you so afraid of losing? The possibility of being happy?

Do you want to start looking back and liking yourself more? All of us, without exception, have a hero inside! Sometimes our fears, even the most unconscious ones, make us fall asleep and make us opt for the illusory ease of our comfort zone. And we continue to walk like this, in limbo, which does not serve to water the seeds of motivation and action, which are so necessary for a happier life.

It may be cliché , and it may hurt, but it's true: the winner is not afraid to face the fear of taking risks! And you have this winner there, inside you, but often sitting on your inner sofa, decorated with fears. Go get her and let her out, show her race, her color, show how she is capable of doing what needs to be done and you will see that those who truly love her will accompany her on this journey.

If you don't change your thoughts you will never change your behavior and the results will be the same. Both your attitudes and your health, in general, will not be well either. She will not even be in healthy harmony with the people around her and the people she even loves. You won't even know if what you so desperately wanted to have or do or be could (can) work. There won't be more happy moments than sad ones. Your life will continue to be warm, buy what you buy, have what money you have!

So act! Go “search” yourself again or for the first time, but go. Whether it's to change jobs, to go to the course you loved doing so much, to get away from people who aren't good for you or to end that relationship that makes you sick, go ahead. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, because only those who don't make mistakes don't make mistakes. Move forward and, even responsibly, take risks, in whatever you need! At best, it doesn't work out, but along the way you learn, evolve, meet new people, learn again and, when you reach the end of the journey of your life, you will like yourself much more, because you did everything to win and be happy.

The true winner can lose at will because, for him, this loss was just a learning experience to be able to move forward.

Don't forget that whoever has to leave your life will leave anyway. Whoever has to move away will move away. But whoever has to stay will stay and hug, applaud and feel proud of how proud you, in fact, are.

Here are some tips to help you find your motivation again in 2021:

  • Reflect on your fears. Have you been fighting for what you want? If not, why? Accept your fears, once and for all, as well as your possible limitations and work around them. Brave is the one who, in fear, goes and faces it! If you can't fly, run! ”.
  • Love yourself more. As? Have you taken a good look inside yourself? Taking care of your outer shape is very important, but also take care of your emotions, your feelings, your wants and needs! Say “no” more often without fear, or “yes” without inhibition. Eat better and do physical exercise, meditation, yoga or another practice that helps you have less stress , more calm and self-confidence. Leave what hurts you.
  • Look for positive emotions! Talk more to friends and/or family who are good to you and who criticize you less, who make you laugh and give you strength. Listen to music that you really like and that makes you smile instead of cry; eat, from time to time, that meal you love so much; read self-help books with an open heart.
  • Go from knowing to doing. Start, today, doing everything you know is a duty, namely what is stated in the previous tips.

Do not be afraid. Do you know how many times you made mistakes or lost, even though you didn't take a risk? Well... so, strength, courage, move forward, and in 2021 do what you want, but reinvent yourself, rediscover yourself or be reborn, like a Phoenix coming from the ashes, coming from the worst of the worst of problems. Martin Luther King said: “If you can't fly, run. If you can not run, walk. If you can't walk, crawl, but keep going anyway” . May this be the best year of your life!

Vanda do Nascimento is a therapist, trainer and Mindfulness instructor at the Escola de Mindfulness Essencial , which she founded in 2016. She began her career as a teacher in 1997, obtaining a degree in Education. On that same date, he also began his studies in Reiki, Meditation and Mindfulness. Later, he embarked on the path of Psychology and delved even deeper into the topic of Mindfulness, in order to continue his fight to control stress and anxiety.

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