Improve Brain Performance with the Right Foods

What we eat has a considerable impact on our brain and, by extension, our mind and body. The human brain consumes around 20% of the body's daily energy needs, which means we must get the right fuel to ensure our maximum brain capacity.

A nourished diet plays a fundamental role in the formation of healthy brain tissue and, as such, it is crucial to focus on a diet rich in good fats. We suggest some foods that you can include in your diet to boost your brain activity and perform at your best in all its functions.


Coconut oil's unique saturated fat structure makes it easy to absorb and convert into energy. Regular consumption has been shown to prevent brain fog, memory loss, dementia and even Alzheimer's disease. Adding a spoonful of this oil to your morning smoothie will make it easier to include it in your daily routine.


These little wonders are packed with antioxidants and make any smoothie delicious. Studies have shown that the impressive power of blueberries can help protect the brain from oxidative stress (damage caused by free radicals). These fruits also represent a surprising source of omega 3, which offers a myriad of benefits to our brain health.


Because it is loaded with fats that contribute to healthy blood flow, avocado is a valuable aid for the proper functioning of the brain. The omegas it contains have been shown to increase levels of several feel-good chemicals in the brain, helping to regulate mood and stabilize emotions.


Eating nuts can be the ideal antidote to control the drop in energy that appears after lunch. Nuts are at the top of the fatty acid chain, boasting several properties that allow them to stimulate the brain. Brazil nuts are also a great choice as they are loaded with selenium, which has been shown to improve cognitive function. Almonds and hazelnuts are another option to consider, as they are rich in vitamin E, something that makes them ideal fuel for the brain during any working afternoon.


Not only can a cup of coffee be the morning salvation for many, it also represents a blend of caffeine and antioxidants that is associated with a reduced risk of neurological diseases.


This superfood has been shown to improve memory, attention, visual processing, and overall cognitive function. Full of nutrients, cocoa is also rich in flavonoids, which increase levels of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (a protein that stimulates brain growth) and magnesium, which improves neuroplasticity (the brain's ability to adapt to changes).

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