If your life ended tomorrow, what dream would you like to achieve? Dora Matos Can Help You Make It Real

Se a Sua Vida Acabasse Amanhã, Que Sonho Gostaria de Realizar? Dora Matos Pode Ajudá-la a Concretizá-lo

It is not easy to define Dora Matos: she is a world within several worlds. She has a degree in Social Communication and has traveled the world to visit dozens of countries, immersing herself in various realities while writing on her healthy living blog, doramatos.com .
Now, the digital nomad takes her passion for well-being to a higher level and launches herself into the world of Health Coaching , after attending the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, in New York. The Good Life Plan is the challenge that rises up to help us deconstruct situations and live better. As? That's what you'll find out in the conversation below.

What brought you to the world of Health Coaching ?

My desire to know more about the healthy world. Everything that can improve our health fascinates me and holistic health is a subject that interests me deeply. After all the work done on doramatos.com , an active and healthy lifestyle blog, I decided to undertake a new adventure and investment, focusing on my training. I started taking the Health Coach course at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, in New York, where I was able to learn and deepen different knowledge in this area. Traveling while providing health coaching services is the future plan.

What is the role of the Health Coach ?

The role of the Health Coach is to guide people to make healthier and more balanced choices within their own surroundings and lifestyle, so that they can achieve their goals. This is someone who analyzes the client's life in detail and gives them the necessary tools so they can live healthily, in the present and in the future, incorporating healthy foods and the necessary exercises, helping them find balance in different areas of their life. life.

What does your service consist of and what sets it apart from others?

The Boa Vida Plan , created for women, stands out for being a unique and personalized Health Coaching service, which combines advice from other professionals in the areas of health, sport and well-being. In other words, in addition to my support as a Health Coach , my clients will also have the professional advice they need most at the right time.

In what areas will you help your clients?

My support is holistic and therefore addresses several areas. Not everything depends on what we eat or how much exercise we do – we also need to analyze how many hours we sleep, the levels of stress we suffer from and the number of worries that run through our heads on a daily basis. It is very important to approach and guide according to this information, never forgetting that we are individual beings: we all have needs and particularities that no one else has. As I say, sometimes, more than prescribing plans, the need involves being guided by someone who can guide us in various areas of life, to help us achieve our goals.
That said, the areas I will cover include helping with healthier eating, weight loss, time management and balance, emotional management and physical exercise, spirituality, managing sleep quality, among others.

What other services will you have?

In addition to the Good Life Plan – where the client can receive personalized advice from me and be guided by other health professionals –, I also offer a Coach-Book Experience , that is, one of my digital books, which are true experiences, completely developed by me. In addition to the Coach-Book she purchases, the client will also be able to enjoy two Health Coaching consultations with me, to ask questions about the Coach-Book she read. In addition, you will also have a direct discount on the value of this Coach-Book in the next Boa Vida Plan , if you wish to do so in the future. You will also have an email with challenges to put into practice after the two consultations.
Basically, all the experiences I offer try to be as complete as possible, because I don't believe in individual and unique sessions. In my philosophy, for a person to learn, there must be a follow-up, a gradual learning. That's why, in one way or another, I always offer a way for them to work with me. In addition to the plan and the Coach-Books , I will also launch the Good Life Challenges , which consist of motivational groups with people who want to work in groups. Registration for the Boa Vida Plan is currently closed. A week after launching my service and business, all vacancies were filled.

What is your biggest ambition in completing this project?

Without a doubt, helping other people to believe in their own power... and to find their own Good Life. We all have our Good Life, but some still don't know it. Normally, the concept of «Boa Vida», or «Good Life», is closely associated with those who have more economic power, with something that “is only for some”. With the Good Life Plan , I intend to demystify this completely, demonstrating that health and well-being are accessible to everyone who wants to change, who cares about themselves and who has the motivation and openness to discover new things and work. Let anyone who thinks that they won't work with this plan be disappointed.

Is there a right way to achieve our goals? How do we define the concept of “Good Life”?

When we want to achieve certain goals, it is very important to create strategies, such as habits that support the achievement of these goals. We shouldn't just trust our motivation. We must tell other people what we are doing and what we want to achieve along the way... All of this will help us achieve what we want more quickly and effectively. And it is not advisable to let too much time pass, or not to undertake and postpone this search, because we all have the right to be happy and to find our Good Life – discovering daily habits (eating, physical exercise, breathing, etc.) that help us achieve our best way of living. We were all made to live a happy life, but sometimes we need someone to guide us in that direction, making us question things we didn't question before. Each person has their own concept of the Good Life, there is no universal concept for everyone – we just have to find ours.

Sometimes, in our daily lives, we go into autopilot mode (at home, at work, with the people we care about). How do we get around this?

Knowing how to stop is essential. When we are in autopilot mode, we don't stop to think about what we really want in our lives, our goals. After all, what do we want with all this we are doing? Where do we want to get to? It is very important to stop and reflect on these questions, because all of this is a “live wheel”, which can take us in an unwanted direction: becoming too attached to something. That's why we must know how to stop and analyze the current state of our life. Only in this way do we get closer to our maximum potential for happiness.

What advice would you give to a client who is unmotivated and doesn’t believe in the possibility of having a happier life?

If I came across a client who had this vision, I would probably ask her something like: “If your life ended tomorrow, what would you like to do? What is your dream?” And, from there, depending on the response, we would orchestrate strategies to reach that goal – not immediately (my plan lasts three months), but step by step . We cannot run away from our happiness forever. And we have to gain this awareness so that we can create a new reality.

Instagram: @doramatos_coach

Facebook: doramatoscoach

Read more at: doramatos.com

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