How to Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle While Working From Home

Como Manter Um Lifestyle Saudável Estando a Trabalhar a Partir de Casa

While telecommuting can bring some benefits, it takes time and patience to figure out how to make it a success. You'll probably find yourself moving from the kitchen to the couch, going to the fridge several times, or drinking more coffee than usual. Getting used to new habits can be difficult, especially when traditional schedules are almost non-existent, but it is possible to do so in a healthy way, dedicating some time to physical activity, eating a balanced diet and paying attention to your mental health.

Whether you've been teleworking for years or are just starting out, there are some mental obstacles to overcome, including feelings of isolation — especially if the only voice you hear all day is yours when talking to your partner. your dog or cat.

Self-care is not a luxury, but an essential part of maintaining balance in difficult times. We've put together everything you need to do to maintain a healthy lifestyle while working from home, so you can do it in a happy, productive and stress- free way. Having your mattress as an accomplice and walking around the house in your pajamas is not worth it.

1. Prepare for a normal workday.

As soon as your alarm goes off in the morning, get up. Don't let yourself stay in bed just because you're at home. When teleworking, your behavior should be the same as if you were going to the office. Take a shower, comb your hair, dress and put on your shoes as if you were going to leave the house. While many people may think that remote work is a real slumber party, simply preparing is vital in helping you stay on track and focused. Getting ready for the day will signal to your brain that it's not the weekend, leaving your mind ready to spring into action. Likewise, if you receive a video call, you will be prepared.

2. Create a dedicated space to work.

Forget sunny mornings on the balcony and the comfort of your sofa. Maintaining correct posture, energy and concentration are key factors in making this remote experience as healthy as possible. Look for a quiet, isolated workplace with a comfortable, ergonomic desk and chair. Maintain order throughout the area and you will be able to maintain focus and meet objectives.

3. Be available.

It is essential to keep your motivation high to continue doing good work. Exchange ideas with your colleagues regularly and stay in touch with the team. Sharing experiences will help the group to get out of their routine and remain more united, and this can only generate good results.

4. Be disciplined in your schedule and make the most of your time.

Maintaining normal working hours is crucial. Otherwise, it's most likely lunchtime and your work day hasn't even started yet. Establish your schedules in a disciplined way and don't stay on the computer until late, as this way you won't be able to discern when the working day has actually ended. Always take breaks and turn off your laptop at the same time. This way, your productivity levels will increase.

5. Take care of your body and mind.

We know that your refrigerator has been calling for you. But the truth is that, especially at this stage, it is important to eat correctly and strengthen the immune system. Give preference to healthy snacks and don't neglect hydration throughout the day.

Likewise, regular exercise offers several benefits, including boosting immune function, allowing you to look at work from a new perspective. Get up periodically, stretch and take short breaks. Meditating is also a valid option at this point. A few minutes of meditation can help you reduce anxiety and keep your mind clear and organized.

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