How to Disguise a Pimple?

Good morning! Did you wake up with one of those huge pimples? Then you are in the right place. This may not be the most glamorous beauty story you've ever read, but it is certainly the most real of all time: none of us are free from going through this moment.

Especially now, when we spend a large part of our day wearing a protective mask, acne is more common due to the lack of oxygenation. And the only way to keep our skin free from imperfections for a long period of time is to use the right products to treat it, as these make a big difference. The key is consistency in your skincare ritual.

The good news

The good news is that a pimple, when well disguised, is practically undetectable. The volume remains, but the color and appearance can be completely disguised. Camouflaging it with makeup is not always an easy task. Therefore, we can start by treating it, using tea tree essential oil, which has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Start with:

  • Gently place two to three drops on the affected area, before applying makeup.
  • Apply a concealer of the same skin tone with light taps and make sure it extends to the edges of the pimple.
    You can also use a green corrector before foundation to eliminate the reddish color of the inflammation.
  • Place the base and carry out the remaining steps of your routine.

How to disguise a more difficult pimple?

The most problematic pimples are those that have a reddish hue, as they are generally larger and more difficult to cover.

The best way to hide this type of pimple is, initially, to use a green concealer before applying foundation, as previously mentioned.

To do this, there are three quick steps you can follow:

  • Apply a little green corrector over the reddest/pinkest area of ​​the pimple, to neutralize the tone. It is not necessary to leave the entire area covered, you only need to use a small amount of product;
  • Apply the foundation normally and, on top, in the exact area of ​​the pimple, apply a corrector that matches your skin tone. Once again, you don't need to use a lot of product, just enough to cover the pimple. Choose to apply with a brush to concentrate the product only in the area;
  • Finish with compact powder.

If the pimple is not red, just follow the last two steps. The main secret of a good concealer also involves hydrating the pimple area well, so that it doesn't start to break or crumble with the concealer and powder.

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