How to Have a More Eco-Friendly Beauty Routine

Como Ter Uma Rotina de Beleza Mais Eco-Friendly

The beauty industry is a major contributor to the global climate crisis. Our self-care and hygiene routine has always been part of our lives, but you've probably never stopped to think that the products we use to clean our face or comb our hair can be real enemies of the environment.

Fortunately, nowadays it's much easier to look for alternatives with sustainably sourced ingredients and create a more environmentally friendly skin and hair care routine.

What is sustainable beauty?

A beauty product or brand can be considered sustainable if it takes into account the choice of ingredients in its formulation, the production process, packaging, shipping and distribution, as well as the recycling options it offers, in order to cause the lowest possible impact on the environment. If a brand contributes to eco-friendly organizations and projects, this can be seen as a sustainable business practice, in the same way that a product without natural ingredients or eco-friendly packaging can contribute to the sustainable movement if there is a recycling program in place.

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