Learn How to Give a Good Massage – to Yourself or Someone Else

Aprenda a Fazer Uma Boa Massagem – a Si Mesma ou a Outra Pessoa

There are many ways to reduce stress , but there are days when all we need is a simple massage. According to the philosophy of intuitive touch healing, it can have the power to unite the mind, body and spirit, for an experience that can become much deeper than what would be expected.

It is not necessary to have an extremely professional technique to be able to provide some relief and well-being to those receiving a massage – the secret is in surrendering to the moment. The important thing is to be able to understand greater harmony between your body, your breathing and the environment that surrounds you.

Before you start

Take a moment to work with what you have in terms of time and space to create a healing environment that can be fulfilling. Clean the room, tidy up electronic devices and light incense if that makes you feel good.

If you wish, you can also put on some ambient music that gives you peace and is exactly what you want to hear during a moment like this. It is also very important that you find a comfortable space for this practice, if possible a private place, where you do not feel afraid of being interrupted. Any place is valid, as long as it meets these requirements – it could be your bed, the sofa or a garden with vegetation where you can catch a little sun.

Once this is done, you just need to choose your body oils, as there are some specially designed for a practice like this. Coconut oil is a great option to leave your skin nourished.


The best thing about self-massage is the fact that it is intuitive, making it easy to understand what works for you and what doesn't suit your preferences. In this type of massage, you are guided by your own curiosity, while at the same time defining the pace and level of pressure that best suits you.

You can start at the top of the head and move down to the feet, gently placing your hands on the scalp, applying gentle pressure in circular movements with your fingers, before moving down behind the ears, through the muscles of the face and neck. . To release tension in your facial muscles, you can use crystals – rose quartz or turquoise – in small, gentle, circular movements. (If you have a tool like gua sha or a facial roller, perfect).

On your arms and legs, you can choose to make long, fluid movements. At the same time, you can imagine the energetic cleansing that is being done and the release of that same energy. Finally, you can take a hot bath, which is great for nourishing yourself and allowing yourself to be in the moment, especially after a massage.

To a partner

When giving a massage to a friend, your boyfriend, child or pet, it is important to start with a fundamental first step: check-in . This means that it is important to try to understand what works and what does not work for the treatment recipient. And when your intuition isn't enough to understand what results, the best thing to do is ask your partner directly what they want.

Use your curiosity and don't think too much. When in doubt, use long strokes. Massage oils reduce friction and make everything more pleasant. Take advantage of the different surfaces of your hands – not everything is at your fingertips. The heel of the hand, the joints of the fingers (keep the fists loose) and the outer surface of the thumb are also important in this practice. Work with the body's natural shapes and pay attention to body language, asking the other person for feedback .

You can start by gently massaging a specific area of ​​the body until the person becomes relaxed, using an initial conversation to guide the experience. Make smooth, long, slow movements. If you feel like your partner prefers deeper pressure on the shoulders, for example, try applying it. Ensure there is good communication throughout the practice, take a few deep breaths and get ready to begin. To access the areas of your body that need the most attention, find a comfortable way to sit or choose to stand above them.

When you find a knot – tension in the muscle that may be more sensitive to touch – keep the movements gentle and be patient, as these tensions are released over time. At the end, ask the massage recipient to take long, deep breaths to let the energy flow more easily. Remember that when you dedicate your time to nurturing others, you also nurture yourself. Both sides win.

Article translated and adapted Goop.

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