For A New Year, A New Look. Get Bigger Eyelashes Naturally

Para Um Novo Ano, Um Novo Olhar. Consiga Pestanas Maiores de Forma Natural

Are you one of those people who can't go out without putting on mascara? You're not alone. The truth is that achieving large, beautiful eyelashes is the desire of many women, and there are several products on the market that help us achieve a captivating look.

However, the size of eyelashes is something determined by genetics. So, if you haven't been gifted with enviable eyelashes, it's time to start gaining new habits. Below, find the main tips to elevate your look to a level of excellence.

1. Moisturize your eyelashes.

Like any area of ​​our body, eyelashes also need hydration. The best natural products to perform this function are castor oil, olive oil and petroleum jelly. Use a small amount of one of these ingredients on a cotton swab and then apply the product to the desired area every night. They work as natural conditioners. After two months, you may have noticed a difference.

2. Apply a serum.

Currently, there is a wide variety of products for eyelash treatment. If natural ingredients don't work, buy a product that promotes hair growth and thickness.

3. Use a primer .

If you use primer for your face and lips, why not use it for your eyelashes too? This product is equally important as it enhances long, beautiful lashes. Furthermore, it prepares them for applying the mask, adding fibers to the hair.

4. Do not use waterproof mascara.

Waterproof mascara is a stronger product for your eyelash hair, causing it to weaken over time. Choose a less intense mask and, when removing residue, don't rub! In addition to irritating the skin, this gesture means a greater chance of pulling out some eyelashes. Avoid failures and remove the product gently by rinsing a cotton pad with warm water or wetting it with micellar water.

5. Do not use an eyelash curler after applying mascara.

If your eyelashes are very straight, you need to adopt another step in your makeup routine: an eyelash curler , something essential to accentuate the natural curve of the hair. Using this object gives the hair a naturally longer appearance. In addition to this tool, we also leave the tip that you should then use the primer and mask, in order to obtain the best possible result. Be careful not to tighten your lashes too much after the mascara has dried, as this will cause the hair to break or become shorter.

6. Do not use expired products.

If you haven't used a particular mask for a long time, throw it away. Products that are out of date tend to have a very strong and strange smell. If this is the case, throw it away. Protect your eyes.

7. Maintain a healthy diet.

Yes, it may seem strange. But a balanced diet directly influences the appearance of your eyes. You should focus on nutrients that help hair grow strong and healthy, such as foods rich in vitamin B complex (cauliflower, salmon, banana or carrot), silicon (oats, cucumber, olives or beans) and vitamins C and E, rich in antioxidants (orange, lemon or avocado).

Frederica Tip: Purchase our eyebrow and eyelash strengthening kit .

Your eyebrows are not left out of this game where the biggest asset is our eyes. Can you imagine a better duo than this? Two fortifiers that stimulate hair growth and visibly reduce hair loss. This is a limited edition, created by WINK , exclusively for Frederica.
A two-in-one product that will strengthen the hair on your eyebrows and eyelashes, day after day. Try it and start the new year with a fresh look. Place your order through this link.

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